B6100HST Oil or Hydrolic fluid leak - How To Determine


New member

Mar 23, 2011
Ferguson, MO USA
Good Day,

I'm a bit of a rookie here. I just started using a different finish mower that probrably pushes the limits of my 6100hst. It's a 5' woods finish mower, used but in good condition. I have some portions of my property that are hilly so though it is working well I think I am really pushing my engine.

I just noticed a leak and believe it or not am having trouble determining whether its oil or hydrolic fluid. Hydrolics work fine at this point but look a bit low.

Oil - I changed the oil about 20 hours use ago and there is no obvious leak from the oil filter or drain plug. The drip is coming from th bottom of the transfer case and is dark but there is also fluid on the left (exhaust) side of the engine. (See pictures)

I cannot afford to take her in and have it serviced but obviously need to figure out what is wrong before I damage anything further.
Some basic steps to get me started would be much appreciated.

In the first picture you can see fluid on the case and exhaust. The second pi the drip is coming from the lowest point. Third picture is the fluid on box.




New member

B6000DT, B7100DT,Snowplow, RM360, Scoop, Cultivator, Carryall,Disk, plow
Aug 14, 2009
Western Ky
Begin your troubleshooting by cleaning up the areas that are suspect. A little oil will spread into a large area, especially with heat involved. the heat tends to thin oils that allow it to migrate to other areas. when clean run/work the machine and check frequently for leakage/seepage. areas that are again wet are suspect. also look to fluid color for cues to where it is coming from.

Report back, Kytim