B3200 Mower Deck

Eddie Jr.

New member

B3200 HSD
Mar 27, 2011
Ottawa Valley, Ontario, Canada EH!
Hi there "Orange Guys"
You are looking at a defector from the Red camp, Looking at the B3200 and hope to have it home in my yard by this weekend. FIRST POST!! :D
Question about mower decks: The B2920 has a nice "drive over" mid-mount mower deck. The B3200 I want however has the old school 350lb slide under style. Any one use one of these and how much of a pain-in-the-butt are they really to get on and off???

Thanks guys!


New member

B3030 HSTC,B2781 51" front mounted snowblower,60" MMM
Jan 21, 2010
northern lower Michigan
Welcome Eddie!
I've got a B3030 with the non drive over mmm and it's no problem to hook up
and take off once the front bracket is adjusted. It takes maybe 15 minutes to
roll in under and hook up with no real effort provided you have a level spot to do it on preferably concrete. I do mine on a gravel driveway with no problem.

All that's required is to pull the pins and turn the roller wheels sideways, push it underneath and turn them back. The 1st time I took it off took a little longer as I studied it some so I'd remember how to put it back on. Of course
after 4 months with the snow blower on I forget, but the book is easy to read and understand making it a piece of cake. If you had an extra hand helping
depending on your physical condition of course it would be much easier to do
as are most things being we don't have 3 arms.

Mine's a 60 inch and doubt it would be any easier with the drive over really.

Eddie Jr.

New member

B3200 HSD
Mar 27, 2011
Ottawa Valley, Ontario, Canada EH!
Thanks Al!
They came out last week and stole my tractor and installed all the brackets and such under the tractor and on the 3pt lift. Looks great, but of course I still have 39 tonnes of sand to move so I took it off. Seamed fairly straight forward, but the rear wheel is fixed on mine and rather wide, the front two swivel to help roll it under fairly well. I used the loader to lift the front wheels and that made life easier but I suspect that in a month or so when the grass is growing I may have to get the manual out again.
Does yours sit on 4 wheels that all swivel? If so that sounds like a much easier set up then mine.
Thanks for the info!! Much appreciated.


New member

B6000DT, B7100DT,Snowplow, RM360, Scoop, Cultivator, Carryall,Disk, plow
Aug 14, 2009
Western Ky
Welcome to our little bunch. I too was a defector from the red camp I went from 2 red's to 3 orange. I just love these little things.



New member

B3200 HST 2009. Loader, 72" mower, Rototiller, Back blade, and other stuff.
Aug 31, 2011
Albion, Michigan
I just found this site. In 2009 I sold my 1946 Red C and bought my B3200 with a 72" mower deck, I also have the 504 loader. I just wanted to say that the 72" mower deck is a "Drive over deck". But, I use my loader bucket to lift the front wheels off the ground and the mower deck pulls out in about 3 minutes and is back and running in 3 minutes. I don't drive over my deck because I took the spindle covers off for cleaning and have left them off. I think they also "Kubota" say to remove the loader when driving around on the mower deck. Hope this helps.:D