Hi there "Orange Guys"
You are looking at a defector from the Red camp, Looking at the B3200 and hope to have it home in my yard by this weekend. FIRST POST!!
Question about mower decks: The B2920 has a nice "drive over" mid-mount mower deck. The B3200 I want however has the old school 350lb slide under style. Any one use one of these and how much of a pain-in-the-butt are they really to get on and off???
Thanks guys!
You are looking at a defector from the Red camp, Looking at the B3200 and hope to have it home in my yard by this weekend. FIRST POST!!
Question about mower decks: The B2920 has a nice "drive over" mid-mount mower deck. The B3200 I want however has the old school 350lb slide under style. Any one use one of these and how much of a pain-in-the-butt are they really to get on and off???
Thanks guys!