B2400 starts runs for 3-5 seconds and dies

Pete W

New member

B2400 w/FEL & Jimna Backhoe
Oct 8, 2015
Saint Marys
I changed the fuel filter in summer and engine would start and then stop, after about 4times it would stay running. now I loosened the filter bowl and let fuel run and then tightened. Now it starts runs for 3 to5 seconds and shuts down eveytime. I've bleed the line at the injectors 5 times and still the same problem. First time working with diesels any help appreciated!


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May 14, 2014
Atascadero, CA
Hey Pete... Welcome aboard.

So it started doing this AFTER you changed the fuel filter?

Generally speaking, that's usually a sign something got loosened up and is fouling the fuel system or the filter is the wrong sort or is misinstalled.

I would probably take and clean the entire fuel system:
Empty out the fuel into a nice clean 5 gal bucket.
Poke a light in the fuel tank to make sure it's clean.
Undo the fuel lines and blow them out (use a compressor, diesel doesn't taste very good! However, my father seems to do everything by mouth, never got that.)
Clean the filter housing and clean any valves.
Put it all back on.
Pour the fuel back in the tank through a paint strainer.
Crack open the injectors and put a gentle amount of air pressure into the tank.
This will force all the fuel into the lines, bowl, pump and injectors.
Once the fuel starts running out the injectors, hand close those lines (yes a helper here helps!) and then stop the pressure.
Tighten injectors normally.
Clean up (no surface fuel, used cleaning rags, etc. near the unit) and try to fire the unit up.

Should take a couple of hours but you'll know your fuel system is squeaky clean and ready to rumble.

If the issue persists, I'd bet on a fuel solenoid issue.


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B6100D; B219; Piranha bar; Hodge stabilizers; Filled Ag rears; R322T w/48" deck
Dec 21, 2014
Sugar Hill -- next door to Buford, GA
... clean the entire fuel system:
Crack open the injectors and put a gentle amount of air pressure into the tank.
All good advice, a great step-by-step, and a wonderfully clever tip! Now: how to put gentle pressure in tank? (Especially single-handed?) Air hose stuck through shop towel stuffed in fill opening? Special cap with air nozzle soldered in? C'mon, out with the rest of it! ;)


New member
Lifetime Member

May 14, 2014
Atascadero, CA
Well, thar would be lotsa ways...

Beans and ol' Uncle Phil sittin' up there on the tank. Might get either an HP boost or needin' to clean the fuel system all over again! ;)

Take yer wife's nicest dress and giver to the dog's bed. Be ready cozin' when she finds out yer gonna need a long hose and a funnel on each end. Mount one to the tank and when she startsa yellin' stuff the other one over her mouth with that supergluey stuff. Boy will that fuel be under some pressure!

Takin' a bicycle tire, cuttin' out the valve stem section, sealin' one end off and usin' a screw on inflator on the conpresser and some balin' wire or fancy fangled wire tie to the spout... o course, this is not enough fun of a way ta do it! (Ya can try stuffin both cut ends into the tank and letting it try to seal on the inner side but ya don't wanna drop it in!

Things like that thar... get creatamative.

Pete W

New member

B2400 w/FEL & Jimna Backhoe
Oct 8, 2015
Saint Marys
Pete, give us a description. Age, hours, type of transmission etc.
It's a 1989 (I think ), 1045 hours, HST transmission. I bleed injector lines one last time and let set over night, next morning started and run, no stalling.
Now it's back to start and stop 3 or 4 tines and start and runs and runs. At least I can use it until I have time to check out fuel system. Thanks for replies.
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