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  1. U

    L235 starting problem

    Ok, will try jump start before I splurge on a starter.
  2. U

    L235 starting problem

    Also a special Thanks to Stumpy/Matt for the wiring diagram!! Is there a site I can access online for parts/repair manual? Thanks. Bob
  3. U

    L235 starting problem

    OK, here's the update: Battery is reading about 12 volts, I say "about" because the meter that I am using is small and hard to accurately read. Safety switch at clutch is OK, bypassed, but also removed and tested. Ignition switch, I removed and tested, OK Cleaned terminals at battery and...
  4. U

    L235 starting problem

    I have an L235 which will not crank. Battery good, glow plug heats, but nothing happens when I turn key to start. I am wondering if it's the key switch. I ran out of daylight tonight, but I was going to try to clean all terminals. Will try that in the am. Does the key switch fail? There is...