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  1. F

    Powerbeyond rear remote

    So I can just plumb in under deck were hoese go to loader and run hoese back to a set of remotes right ? One hoese for py or pb and one hoese back to the tank right ? No valve needed for this set of remotes right ? And this should run a log spiltter or backhoe right ? Thanks
  2. F

    Powerbeyond rear remote

    Here is some pictures of what I got so maybe someone can help me do this
  3. F

    Powerbeyond rear remote

    I have a Mx5100 I would like to put in another rear remote.The one I have the dealer said is just good for a cylinder and I would like to have one that is full flow so I can run a log splitter or something like this . Everyone talks about power beyond hook up so I looked at my loader control...
  4. F

    What do you do with your mx5100

    I have always been a Ford tractor guy but I just got a new mx5100dt 4x4 and bucket . I was just wondering what other owners use theirs for . I would like to run a square baler and maybe a backhoe with mine . If you do the same tell me how it dose . Thanks