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  1. S

    belt twisted

    yes, it turns counterclockwise. I have extra belts for it but not extra blades. why do you think it has 2 mowers on it at same time the belly mower is 44 inch it is Kubota also just makes no sense.
  2. S

    belt twisted

    I didn't have much luck. I hope you do!
  3. S

    belt twisted

    Is this ok?
  4. S

    belt twisted

    Yes a good rainy day project.
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    belt twisted

    I bought it mostly for the cool little aluminum trailer and diesel engine I figure it can pull more than my golfcart
  6. S

    belt twisted

    the "cover" is a structural part of this assembly. SMH I thought it was a brush cutter till I looked at blades now wondering why 2 mowers on at same time?
  7. S

    belt twisted

    Ok it has a mowing deck on it but blades on rear pto driven deck look like mower blades also they both turn counterclockwise. No reverser on machine. Aren't to upload more pictures very soon
  8. S

    belt twisted

    The problem is rear brush cutter. I will remove belly mower it isn't needed. Right below the letter K on picture of brush cutter it is twisted that is the part I am talking about. I will probably take it apart and maybe try a new belt if no problems are seen. Thanks for any help or advise.
  9. S

    belt twisted

    Augh. Trying to post from phone is hard but that is where pics. are. I think this setup has been together many years I am thinking something else but may be wrong I bought at estate sale .
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    belt twisted

  11. S

    belt twisted

  12. S

    belt twisted

    Hello, I am new, I tried a search but didn't see this asked before I have a Kubota B6000e 2wd with a brush cutter on back the belt is twisted. How would that happen? If I loosen the belt and straighten it will it twist again? I just bought the tractor I noticed it before I bought it. It came...