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  1. J

    L35 backhoe boom problem

    yes, all the linkage is hooked up the way it should be and move's freely and works nice, all lubed..
  2. J

    L35 backhoe boom problem

    So i went to the kabota dealer today and talked to the machanic, he said the ram might be messed up inside and only working one way under pressure, that valve rarely go's bad but i can take the valve appart and clean it and look for any piece of O-ring, dirt or something else that could be...
  3. J

    L35 backhoe boom problem

    that's what i was thinking, if the cylinder is messed up the boom wouldn't work great one way and not the other, going to put a new filter on it today and pick up that 486.00 valve but do more research before installing it.. however a guy on youtuube had the same deal and the valve fixed it...
  4. J

    L35 backhoe boom problem

    the backhoe BT900 boom will work fine in the air but when lowered into the dirt to dig all is great until try to pull the dirt towards me then the arm just striaghtens out and nothing, if i push away from me that works fine! the second i try to pull dead.. i'm in montana and it was 10, fluid is...