Search results

  1. D

    Quick attach buckets ears available?

    There’s tons of ears available (Amazon, eBay, etc.) for just about everything. I am hoping that someone out there has found ears that fit this setup (BT1970 quick attach coupler).
  2. D

    Quick attach buckets ears available?

    I checked Kubota’s website and didn’t find any excavators using the same quick attach backhoe bucket (BT1973) as used on the B26 TLB. I am hoping that someone out there has found ears that fit this setup (BT1970 quick attach coupler).
  3. D

    Quick attach buckets ears available?

    Exactly what I am looking for but can’t seem to find a set made to fit Kubota’s BT1970 quick attach coupler. Does anyone know if a set for a particular excavator is interchangeable?
  4. D

    BT820 Backhoe Quick Attach Bucket Ears

    Do you know what ears fit the BT1970 quick attach coupler on the BT820 backhoe?
  5. D

    Quick attach buckets ears available?

    I am looking for ears that will fit a Kubota BT1970 quick attach coupler.