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  1. G

    B6100 with a Du-Al model 95 Loader

    I have a newly aquired 4x4 B6100 with a loader for sale. The tractor has engine issues. I got it to start only once with lots of white smoke. While it was running I tested the loader and everything worked as it should. I would be willing to separate the loader if the price is right. Located...
  2. G

    Is it possible to swap rear ends?

    Ed, Thanks for clearing that up for me. I appreciate your insight. I am a novice at these Kubota's What about buying the gear and shaft from a 6100 and installing them in a 6000? Is the tranny the same otherwise?
  3. G

    Is it possible to swap rear ends?

    I have checked many pictures on the net of the B5100 and B6100 and those have the air cleaner on the right and exhaust on the left and my B6000 has the exhaust on the right and air intake on the left (from the seat of course) It seems like after the B6000, the engines were set up different. Greg
  4. G

    Is it possible to swap rear ends?

    If Kubota modified the tranny to reverse the pto direction, then why did they also change the orientation of the engine?
  5. G

    Is it possible to swap rear ends?

    Nice drawings TopGear. I wonder if there is a simple modification in the tranny, that can be done to reverse the rotation? Greg
  6. G

    Is it possible to swap rear ends?

    I am really a novice at fabricating. How would you build a reverser? Belt? Chain? Gears? Thanks Greg
  7. G

    Is it possible to swap rear ends?

    I guess I just like things standard. And besides, a B6000 with the correct pto has improve it's resale value so I am not sure I would lose anthing. What about rotating the engine? Would that make the gears all messed up (like forward would be reverse etc.) I would am guessing that kubota...
  8. G

    Is it possible to swap rear ends?

    I mean in order to get a CLOCKWISE pto. Or maybe another model would be better to harvest a tranny from. Also, I wonder if there is a way to re-orient some gears in the B6000 tranny to make it clockwise rotation. It looks like the B5000 engine is reversed from the B6000 Greg
  9. G

    Is it possible to swap rear ends?

    Regarding this B6000 I just picked it feesable to either swap trannys with a B5100E to get a 540 rpm pto? Or maybe it would be easier to put the 4x4 front axle on the B6000? Thanks Greg
  10. G

    Bought a new B6000

    Is there a way to post a service manual on this site? Greg
  11. G

    Bought a new B6000

    I took the liberty of combining all of the service manual pages for the B6000 into one PDF document. So now I have one PDF document (50 pages). I would be glad to post the file here for download but I cant see how to do that. Greg
  12. G

    Bought a new B6000

    Very NIce....THanks GReg
  13. G

    Bought a new B6000

    I just checked my pto speeds a few minutes ago with my digital tachometer Here are the speeds 482...795...1241 Engine rpm's (full throttle) was 2450rpm The reason I am checking this out is because there are pto reversers on the market but some of them also reduce the speed. Just trying to see...
  14. G

    Bought a new B6000

    Also, does anyone know what the pto speeds are on these many rpm's
  15. G

    Bought a new B6000

    Thanks for all the info guys. How does a tiller work on these TopGear. Do you have to switch the tines around? Regading the glow plugs, I think they would work a lot better (and faster) if they were getting a full 12v. Greg
  16. G

    Bought a new B6000

    TopGear Have you modified implements to work with the reverse rotation pto. Or are you using Kubota reverse rotation pto equipment Greg
  17. G

    Bought a new B6000

    Shouldnt these plugs be getting a full 12v? Mine only get about 8-10v. In fact there is only 11v going to the indicator when when the switch is engaged Greg
  18. G

    Bought a new B6000

    The owners manual in the link above does not download properly for me. The parts manual was fine. Does anyone know how much voltage should be at the glow plugs when they are on. Mine are reading 8-10 volts Greg
  19. G

    Bought a new B6000

    Thanks for the replies guys. I think the light may be oil pressure too. How do you shut down the engine if you dont use the lever on the valve cover? And are you saying that the pto can run a mower or tiller? Greg
  20. G

    Bought a new B6000

    Actually I just put the pictures into an album on this site Thanks Greg