We have approx 18 acres and mow approx 4, is there an issues running the tractor up and dn the hill due to engine oil or other ?. The angle is approx 30 degrees.
Hello and thank you for the info re ballast weight and fel removal. I wil contact dealer for a fel operatong manual.
Another question concerning idle rpm.
Is there a proper idle rpm and duration time at that rpm ?
I was told by a buddy of mine that a low idle rpm can damage the motor.
Hello everyone, a cold and windy day se ontario,
therefore how about some firewood discussions
I am considering building a 3 pt hitch log splitter, however is the b2620 able to operate this equipment? If so, can I purchase info/plans &/or kits?
Hello and thank you for the replies,
the manual that I received with the tractor does explain a implement limitation of 300 kgs (660 lbs), therefore could I assume that the ballast weight could be the same amount (550-600)? Re the fel operation my manual explains the loader/remote control...
Hello everyone,
I am the proud owner of a b2620 purchased in Sept 2008. I was wondering about the proper procedure for removing the fel, and also when operating tractor with the fel how much should a home made ballast box weigh ?