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  1. P

    Manual snowblower lift

    Thanks for the input. Will take it off before trying it again, though if the plow keeps working well the snowblower might be for sale.
  2. P

    Manual snowblower lift

    Removing the guard is an idea. Does it help tremendously because it makes the chute easier to unplug or because it makes it less likely to plug? Already running wide open with cooking spray galore at a snail's pace. Putting the blower back on is a hassle and a half so may need to wait until...
  3. P

    2x Snowplow

    The 3:1 tackle on the blade is easier to handle than the lifting lever for the mower deck. Of course the deck probably weighs three times what the plow does. Now watch it not snow again until next year. :)
  4. P

    2x Snowplow

    The snow here is so wet it jams the TG2746 after about 25 seconds, and takes ten minutes to clear out. So I looked for a snowplow instead. The closest snowplow compatible with my TG1860 tractor (a TG2754) was more than 200 miles away and included hydraulics- which the TG1860 does not have. I...
  5. P

    Manual snowblower lift

    After snowblower debacle decided to look (again) for a plow: TG2748 or TG2754. Closest ones are hundreds of miles away and come with hydraulics that my tractor does not have and add unecessarily to the cost. Decided to build my own plow out of 2x lumber I had on hand. More snow coming would...
  6. P

    Manual snowblower lift

    Went out this morning to blow snow. Chute clogged after about 30 seconds. Ten minutes to clear. Clogged again. Photo shows how far I got. Our snow is simply too wet. Ended up using it as a plow - not very efficient. Lift also seems not to work. If I lever the snowblower up with 2x4's the lift...
  7. P

    Manual snowblower lift

    Sometimes it does- though we have more maples than pines.
  8. P

    Manual snowblower lift

    Thanks for your help @North Idaho Wolfman and @Russell King. Got the blower on and just need to run the belt. Hope the back lift lever works. Eight inches forecast for tomorrow!
  9. P

    Manual snowblower lift

    THAT works. Thank you! The TG2739A manual that I have talks about an additional lifting mechanism that must also be installed for the TG2746A snowblower. I will guess that this is the L-shaped tube/handle that I have but which will not be needed since I have the TG2746 snowblower. Will see...
  10. P

    Manual snowblower lift

    After reading threads on other sites am wondering if the Messick's and Coleman Equipment Co sites both work. Am entering parts TG1860, TG2746, TG2748, TG2754, TG2739, TG2739A, TG2739Q on the Kubotapad site. Only one small drawing of the TG1860 tractor (not a diagram w/numbered parts) comes up.
  11. P

    Manual snowblower lift

    Tried that again using both Safari and Chrome for multiple part numbers. Same result: no image available, except for a small copy of the drawing of the tractor from the cover of the TG1860 manual. After reading threads on other sites am wondering if the L-shaped tube handle I have is for...
  12. P

    Manual snowblower lift

    Thanks for the link, but "no image available" is what comes up for any and all of the parts numbers -- including TG1860, the tractor itself. It's like Kubota was trying to disown it. Messick's has the drawings. Why doesn't Kubota?
  13. P

    Manual snowblower lift

    Your top drawing is one I found as well, so your guidance on what likely attaches where is helpful. There is also a separate handle - an L-shaped metal tube that seems supposed to be used to raise and lower the blower at the front end. It has a foot about 2' long that looks like it should...
  14. P

    Manual snowblower lift

    Have gotten the mower deck off my TG1860 so the TG2746 snowblower can go on. Have found some diagrams (thank you Messick's and Coleman Equipment) that show the arrangement of the TG2739A quick hitch and can guess as to how it has to go under the tractor. There do not seem to be any manuals or...
  15. P

    TG1860 PTO issue

    Thanks for this info. I will be more careful going forward! It seems that re-seating the plugs did the trick this time and tractor and I are back to work.
  16. P

    TG1860 PTO issue

    PTO is electric. Will look into the plugs. Don't think the bearing froze, and can't imagine a fuse would blow because of this. Thanks.
  17. P

    TG1860 PTO issue

    38 views and no opinions, comments or ideas? Are problems with Kubota PTO's so common that it is pointless to ask about them?
  18. P

    TG1860 PTO issue

    Went to start the motor with the PTO engaged. All sorts of shuddering went on, shaking the whole machine, then smoothed out when I disengaged the PTO, but the PTO no longer seems to work. Is this likely to be a fuse blown or something else? Is there something that will reset it? Dealer is...
  19. P

    Putting snowplow together for TG1860

    Thanks! Will have to see what we can work up.
  20. P

    Putting snowplow together for TG1860

    That's the TG2754. There's also a TG2001 snowplow for this tractor that is 48". Can't find 'em out there.