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  1. N

    Put an Alternator on my GR2120

    I did it so it would have the same type of alt. as my bx and I plan to add lights to it. My experience has been a true alt is a lot easier on your battery too. I found this alt. cheaper than what that dynameter cost from Kubota if I had to buy a replacement. This is not a just a lawnmower. Show...
  2. N

    Added Grill Guard to my GR2120

    Na I bought it from Ag Engineering, LLC 319-646-2736
  3. N

    Considering a BX1880

    My BX1880 actually came with the larger BX series R14 Goodyears on it, which was a plus because if it had the stock tires, I wanted to upgrade it to the larger rims and tires from the other BX series.