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  1. D

    Front blower L4474 vs L4479

    Yeah, the weight is lots for two small shoes to ride on; an engineering flaw - or perhaps was engineered that way so new $36/ea shoes have to be purchased frequently. I just purchased a few replacements until I have a chance to get some harder steel and weld to the bottom of the existing shoes...
  2. D

    Front blower L4474 vs L4479

    The utility version was recommended to me by my dealer based on amounts of snow we get here in N. MD. It made sense to me. When I first saw it up close and felt it, it's certainly is a beast IMO. The utility version weighs in at 900+ lbs. The commercial weighs in about 300+ lbs heavier than...
  3. D

    L9467 backhoe stabilizer rubber feet

    Thanks so much for the 'learning' - fried... and tthor... I'm kind of new to this environment and never PM'ed someone. I'll follow the directions provided. Thanks again!