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  1. K

    BX2816 snowblower w/2811 K connect

    This is what I would expect to see.
  2. K

    BX2816 snowblower w/2811 K connect

    I talked to the dealer this am, apparently this spacing is normal. He is going to chat with Kubota to confirm, but we looked at diagrams, thinking the input shaft was protruding too much on the tractor side, but it isnt.
  3. K

    BX2816 snowblower w/2811 K connect

    It’s ok. I’ve had it for 2 seasons, just never used much and decided to do maintenance. It’s been working great. I’ve just never had to look at the couplet connection til now. I took the coupler off the snowblower and put it on the K connect to see if would engage completely, it doesn’t. The...
  4. K

    Compatible Front Mount SnowBlowers for BX

    I hear what you’re saying. Do you have the same K connect? If so, is your spacing between couplers, when engaged, similar to what’s in my pics?
  5. K

    Compatible Front Mount SnowBlowers for BX

    I hear what you’re saying, but here is a pic of the coupling off and on the blower connected to the K connect. It seems that this is normal? Also,the bolt was broken/missing BUT there is a square key way on the blower shaft to prevent the coupling from breaking that bolt, so not sure how that...
  6. K

    BX2816 snowblower w/2811 K connect

    Hello, Doing maintenance on my blower, adjusted chain and noticed this gap in the K connect coupler. Is this normal? This is how it looks first engaged After it’s been running a minute Took it off blower to check fitment
  7. K

    2020 BX23S RCK60B-23BX mower deck w/mulching kit, 2816 snowblower, BX2811 K connect, BX 2810 4...

    2020 BX23S RCK60B-23BX mower deck w/mulching kit, 2816 snowblower, BX2811 K connect, BX 2810 4 point hitch
  8. K

    Compatible Front Mount SnowBlowers for BX

    hello. I have this same system. Do you have a pic of the k connect and blower shaft faces engaged? I did maintenance on mine yesterday, adjusted the chain and now my k connect doesn’t enrage all the way. My shaft faces engage, but there is a 3/8” gap between the inner faces. Wondering if this...