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  1. lakehouse_dreaming

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    I have that same cultivator that my grandfather bought new in the early 1960s when he was farming. I dug mine out of the woods a few years ago and I am now wanting to take it apart, sand it down, and repaint it to try and preserve it so my grandkids can have it one day.
  2. lakehouse_dreaming

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Who makes that pine straw rake?
  3. lakehouse_dreaming

    Leinbach Disc Harrow

    I am needing the part# 6 in this diagram. This is a King Kutter diagram but if anyone happens to have a Leinbach 300S-2018 and can tell me the dimensions that would be awesome.
  4. lakehouse_dreaming

    Leinbach Disc Harrow

    Unfortunately the manufacture is out of business. I did find a website for them but when you click the link to look at different implements it redirects you to the EA website. I know EA used to sell Leinbach but not anymore.
  5. lakehouse_dreaming

    Leinbach Disc Harrow

    I will have to remove the yellow piece and add pins but it is missing the supports that go from the pins to the top link. I think I will just have to try and make some out of some flat bar.
  6. lakehouse_dreaming

    Leinbach Disc Harrow

    I recently got a used Leinbach disc harrow but the previous owner had converted it to a quick hitch and no longer has the original parts to convert it back. Curious if anyone has one like it and can give me the dimensions of the front "A" pieces that go from the 3pt pins to the top link that I...
  7. lakehouse_dreaming

    Shelving ??

    My father bought these to build shelves in his shed. I wasn't a fan at first but they actually worked very well.
  8. lakehouse_dreaming

    Lawn Mower Blades

    That doesn't say what length those blades are, the Z530M is offered in a 48", 54", and 60" deck which would all three take different length blades. In theory I could put the blades for a 48" deck on my 60" but that would bring a whole different level of striping yards into play.
  9. lakehouse_dreaming

    Lawn Mower Blades

    I hit a root that was surfacing while mowing the yard last night and bent one of the blades on my zero turn. It is a John Deere Z530M 60" deck (wrong color I know). When I went online to find replacement blades I couldn't find anything other than the OEM blades for it. I ended up picking up some...
  10. lakehouse_dreaming

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Thank you sir! I wish I would have been smart enough to take a true before photo but I got too excited to play with the grapple. I tilled the garden one pass last weekend because It is a new garden and let it sit for a week and then hit it again this past weekend N/S then E/W and one last time...
  11. lakehouse_dreaming

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Tore out one of the 3 rows of muscadine vines. Then got the garden spot tilled up and ready to plant either this weekend or next
  12. lakehouse_dreaming

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    First time using the pallet forks, loaded up some scrap that was laying around the house and then played with the grapple for a bit. Still learning how to use it to pull out bigger trees. This one took some work but it finally came out. Definitely glad I have both, there is a time and place for...
  13. lakehouse_dreaming

    EZ - Peazy Remotes

    Dan, How much do you charge for these kits?
  14. lakehouse_dreaming

    First service at 50 hours

    My L3901 was delivered 12/14/21 and I just hit the 100hr mark yesterday. Mostly bush hog hours or scooping up the horse poop and shavings and relocating them further from the barn.
  15. lakehouse_dreaming

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    The wife's riding area had been neglected for a while due to rain and the time change. Used the tiller to freshen it up. before I could even get out of the pasture I looked over and saw that it was already being used.
  16. lakehouse_dreaming

    Cooler Mount

    Ended up finding some scrap electrical strut laying around the house and an old SS toolbox tray from my old truck. A couple 90 degree fittings and bolts and came up with this. It mounts using the ROPS bolts and can be removed with just 2 bolts. Just have to cut the one piece down to the correct...
  17. lakehouse_dreaming

    Cooler Mount

    It is a couple days at 3-4 hours a day.
  18. lakehouse_dreaming

    Cooler Mount

    I could sit one in the loader bucket but I know I would dump it out not thinking. I would think it would be hard to bushhog with the backhoe attached though..
  19. lakehouse_dreaming

    Cooler Mount

    Has anyone made or found a way to mount a small cooler to your tractor? I would like to have a small one to carry snacks, water, and maybe an adult beverage or two to be able to enjoy while bush hogging the horse pasture as it takes me a couple days to do it.
  20. lakehouse_dreaming

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Scooped a bucket of sand from down by the creek to fill some holes in the yard and then the wife wanted to learn how to use the grapple so I had her pull up a few dead shrubs from in front of the house that we need to replace. on a side note, I may never get to use the tractor/grapple again she...