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  1. Clevus

    Adding switches or switch panel to B2601

    So, I am in need of inspiration for adding some two lights (and maybe more). I can see the need for two (or more) switches, I would like to see what others have done. I want it to be functional and look right. I have my own thoughts, and I don’t any of them.
  2. Clevus

    Hunting and game posts

    The little dog only weighs ten pounds, but she has the heart of a lion. While I would not hesitate to shoot a deer with a 5.56/.223, I’m using a 450 BushMaster Great Lakes upper on a Springfield Armory Saint Edge lower. The trigger is unbelievably crisp. I have tagged two does this year and...
  3. Clevus

    Photo shoot anything lately? Random Photo Thread

    Help me out here. 1966 Nova SS wagon?
  4. Clevus

    Hunting and game posts

    “Nobody hunts with an AR15. It’s just wrong, it’s like hunting with a poodle” Yet, here we are filling the freezer.
  5. Clevus

    Tire swap between B7500 and B2601

    Unless things change after I get the new set, I will still have a complete set of Turfs in excellent shape. Or… What is the consensus of the R14 tires in snow and/or rough terrain?
  6. Clevus

    Tire swap between B7500 and B2601

    As the title says, I have two tractors. I have turf tires on the B2601 with 100 hours on them and R4 on the B7500 with 900 hours. I am planning on buying a set of R4 through the dealer whole goods for the 2601, but until then, can I swap tires and wheels set between the two?
  7. Clevus

    How big a generator do I need to run a Lincoln 220 stick welder.

    The OP is taking it all in. I have even found a good used 15kw Generac portable generator. But the above comments about a suitable generator, even though the math works, the welder might not. I might need to ask another electrician.
  8. Clevus

    How big a generator do I need to run a Lincoln 220 stick welder.

    So, when I bought my house, I didn’t get the shop I wanted. I am now thinking a generator would might make more sense for those occasional welding tasks, than paying an electrician to pull wire out to the shop. The welder is a run of the mill Lincoln 220.
  9. Clevus

    New grease gun recommendations please.

    I have a Dewalt 20v AND the Lincoln pneumatic . I like the dewalt for the portability, I still like to use the Lincoln because it cost so damn much I am going to get my moneys worth. The lock and lube works great so far.
  10. Clevus

    Snow chains…do I need them?

    I keep hearing that. I recently upgraded to a B2601 with turf tires. I thought I wanted to look for an R4 swap, but the local experts tell me Turfs are better in the sno.
  11. Clevus

    What years and models did Kubota start adding DEF ?

    EXACTLY! I would rather avoid it than deal with it. that is also why I still drive a 1999 Dodge Cummins. It is worth the time and effort keeping it sanitary than to deal with the emissions krapp on the later models.
  12. Clevus

    What years and models did Kubota start adding DEF ?

    As thee tile says what years and models did Kubota start adding Diesel Exhaust Fluid ? My goal is to know the late model availability without it.
  13. Clevus

    Cost for dealer adding 3rd Function to b2301

    I just had installed on my new to me B2601 the Land Pride 3rd function kit, installed and a new Land Pride SGC 0554 54” grapple ran me $3300. To be honest I don’t know if I paid too much, too little or fair market. is a grapple the only use for a third function?
  14. Clevus

    Stupid question about rear .remotes and third function.

    2018 B2601 I am going to have the dealer install a third function for a grapple. I like the idea of having rear remotes for a hydraulic top link. But I am not in a hurry. Is there a reason to have them both done at the same time? I mean, are they removing and installing the same parts over again?
  15. Clevus

    Guns...Times have changed...

    The worst school killing didn’t use a gun. Google “Bath School Massacre”
  16. Clevus

    Photo shoot anything lately? Random Photo Thread

    While enjoying my morning coffee, I was watching the hen lead her brood around the yard. Woke up a sleeping doe I missed.
  17. Clevus

    Guns...Times have changed...

    todays scotus opinion. I suggest reading pages 70-78, Alito‘s concurrence.
  18. Clevus

    Guns...Times have changed...

    “Shall not be infringed” wasn’t clear enough, they had to sue.
  19. Clevus

    Guns...Times have changed...

    This has been the foundation of our government for 240 years. The founders had just liberated the colonies from an oppressive government with a far superior military. instead of raising the age to buy a gun, we should raise better kids.