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  1. S

    Needing a reman engine.

    Bought a MX5200 used a few months ago. Haven't even used it yet and looks like I won't for a while. A push rod bearing is gone and the mechanic working on it said the rod is beat up and crankshaft as well. The dealership won't do anything but a new replacement engine for a bit north of $12K...
  2. S

    Weird buying/advice question

    Dropped it off with my mechanic before even bringing it home. He believes its an injector issue. Hopefully an easy fix.
  3. S

    Weird buying/advice question

    Got it home Friday afternoon.
  4. S

    Weird buying/advice question

    Checked it out Saturday. Took some video as well. My local mechanic (and my wife) can hear a ticking noise. My buddy and I can't but neither of us have great hearing (ask my wife!). Mechanic thought it could be either an exhaust leak, pushrod or an injector. Worst case about a $3,000 repair. I...
  5. S

    Weird buying/advice question

    I'm going back tomorrow and take some video of it running if I don't hear from him today. Let my local mechanic take a look at the video and see what he thinks.
  6. S

    Weird buying/advice question

    I was top bidder on an MX5200DHST (970 hours) in an auction last week over in Missouri. Paid $12,800, no fel on it. Before the auction, I drove over with a much more tractor savvy friend and we drove it, gave it a good looking over and thought it looked good. It was supposed to be delivered by...
  7. S

    Drive it or trailer it?

    I mentioned this thread to one of my staff, and she brought up something I'd forgotten. She's from Western Kansas, In either late '78 or early '79 her Dad was one of the farmers that drove his tractor to Washington D.C. from their home as a protest for ag policies. That was a brutal winter as I...