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  1. E

    Overheats only when turned off

    Is that common? when motors get older do they have this tendency if not acting this way before?
  2. E

    Overheats only when turned off

    What is max temp I should be seeing on the radiator?
  3. E

    Overheats only when turned off

    I do a 50/50 mix of coolant and water.
  4. E

    Overheats only when turned off

    Brand new cap. same behavior
  5. E

    Overheats only when turned off

    I never had to do that before. How long do you recommend I let it idle before shutting off?
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    Overheats only when turned off

    thats pretty much what Im seeing. The overflow reservoir hose has steam come out until all the coolant leaves the system including the radiator. I can continue to refill daily but want to fix whats going on.
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    Overheats only when turned off

    I thought the temp sensor was bad too. Thats why I replaced the original one on the block but ended up getting the exact same normal reading. No other visible leaks of coolant anywhere on the motor.
  8. E

    Overheats only when turned off

    B7500 operates at mid temp fine but reservoir drain boils all water out when engine is off. Changed thermostat and radiator cap but same problem. Engine oil stays same so assuming no head gasket issue. Radiator internals looks clean and not plugged up. New temp sensor confirms operating...
  9. E

    Where is B7500 temp sensor

    I looked all over but cannot located it. getting nothing on my guage today. want to just replace but nowhere to be found :(
  10. E

    B7500 won't start. Glow plug key position seems incorrect

    yes it was the battery, it read 12.5 so I trickle charged it overnight and it was 10.2 in the morning. must have had a damaged cell. thanks for the help!
  11. E

    B7500 won't start. Glow plug key position seems incorrect

    Whenever I attempt to start I alway leave in the glow plug key switch position for a few seconds before engaging the starter. Normally in the glow plug position there is an yellow light that comes on. Today it won't start. The glow plug light only flickers on for a second but then goes off...