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  1. G

    BX2680 PTO won't engage, Please Help, Tired of Pushing my Lawn...

    Thank You for the information WGATOR!!! You were right as far as one of the pin holes being plugged with silicone... I took it apart today and found this piece of silicone blocking the pin hole port... I unclogged it and put it all back together, set it into the rear PTO position and it...
  2. G

    BX2680 PTO won't engage, Please Help, Tired of Pushing my Lawn...

    Thank You so much for the info!!! Not at home right now but I will try that first thing tomorrow morning... I hope your right... If so I owe you a case of beer!!! I will check it out and let ya'll know what I find... Thanks again everyone I truly appreciate the information and pictures!!!
  3. G

    BX2680 PTO won't engage, Please Help, Tired of Pushing my Lawn...

    Thank You For the Replies, I really do appreciate them... Linkage is good... Checked that... I am with Henro, Is this something that i can do myself... Is there a check valve or a clean out I can pull and clean??? Location???
  4. G

    BX2680 PTO won't engage, Please Help, Tired of Pushing my Lawn...

    Thank You for the reply... Yes I have tried that and still no luck
  5. G

    BX2680 PTO won't engage, Please Help, Tired of Pushing my Lawn...

    Hey all, I need some help... I bought a 2018 BX2680 earlier this year and everything was going great. Last week i was mowing the lawn for like an hour; then disengaged, set brake jumped off to pick up some trash and realized that I was in the mid and rear PTO position. Didn't think anything of...