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  1. C

    LX3310 Aftermarket Fuel Filter Options?

    I’m replacing my cardboard fuel filter element that’s in the glass water separator/fuel filter bowl, Kubota part #6C830-55220 (LX3310). Before I go hunting through all the auto parts stores, does anyone know of a suitable after market replacement filter for it. The factory part is $41 and...
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    Reattaching PTO Cover on Snowblower

    Well, thanks everyone for your input. The only solution I could find was to remove the yoke and pto assembly from the blowers drive shaft so that I could gain access to the end of the shaft. What is not apparent to this protective shaft cover is that it has a metal snap ring that holds...
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    Reattaching PTO Cover on Snowblower

    Sorry for not being more clear, let me try again. I removed the plastic protective cover on the PTO shaft which is attached to my B2782 Snowblower. There is a metal shield on the snowblower (see photo) that protects the yoke assembly on the blower. Because of that metal shield I can not reattach...
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    Reattaching PTO Cover on Snowblower

    So I’m fairly new to tractors and was checking my PTO connections on my B2782B snowblower. I removed the protective cover on the PTO, which was fairly easy to do, but trying to put it back on is another story. There is a retaining ring that fits in a groove in the cover that needs to be set in...
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    3pt/Box Scraper Not Low Enough

    Spoke to my local dealer about my tires and limitations to the 3pt (I don’t have a QH installed). I noticed the specs indicate the 17.5’s are used on the cab version while the 19.5’s are on the ROPS model. But according to my dealer, the LX cab has the option of 19.5 tires so either one meets...
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    3pt/Box Scraper Not Low Enough

    To answer a few of the previous questions. The scraper, at times, does hover over the ground but mostly when dealing with changes in the topography. There are times when it would be nice to have it go down a few more inches. The 3pt lever does not a have a stop on it and I have the control lever...
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    3pt/Box Scraper Not Low Enough

    Is there a way to adjust my 3pt so my box scraper can go lower to the ground (LX3310 cab)? Currently it bottoms out at the lowest setting and often times it needs to go lower to contact the ground. Would adjusting my lifting rod on the lower link to the "B" setting help? Or would that only...
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    LX3310 Hydraulic Top Link Info

    No really, hard to believe but it's true. Turns out it belonged to a neighbor who traded it in, with less than 175 hrs, for a bigger tractor. Came with FEL, box scraper, snowblower, 3rd Function, R14's and factory warrantee till 2026. I'm hoping to add a front plow, grappler, pallet forks...
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    LX3310 Hydraulic Top Link Info

    Wow! that was fast. Great, I will look into each of these but it looks like all the info Jet1279 provided might do the job. Thanks, CO
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    LX3310 Hydraulic Top Link Info

    Hey Everyone, I'm new to tractors and will be getting a delivery on my first tractor shorty, a used LX3310 hsdc. I am thinking about putting a hydraulic top link on it (box scraper use) but I'm discovering that Kubota doesn't have anything readily available and the dealers have no info on what...
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    LX3310 Operators Manual

    Wow! That worked out real well! I was able download the Operators Manual and WSM (850 pages) without any cost. I will likely still get a hard copies as I find they are easier to use but this is a great start. Thank you for your help. CO
  12. C

    LX3310 Operators Manual

    I was figuring the shop manual would cost extra and maybe even an owners manual. And I am willing to pay for them but I am not seeing anything to download for the LX Series, even on the Kubota site. Is there a site that anyone can recommend? I will be checking in with my dealer for additional...
  13. C

    LX3310 Operators Manual

    I've purchased a used LX3310 from my local dealer but I won't be able to pick it up for a few weeks. While waiting I would like to read up on it via an operators/owner/service manual. I've looked on this site and others and I have found a variety of manuals but nothing specific for the LX3310...
  14. C

    Daily Chuckle

    Memory is good, just short . . . Two old guys, Joe and Bob, are hanging out in Joe's living talking and watching the game. Joe says to Bob, "went to a great restaurant last night, really good food." Bob replies, "ya don't say, good food, huh - what's the name of the restaurant? Well now...
  15. C

    Kubota Snowblower Loader Mount Mod

    I'm far from being an expert, but from what I am seeing this is a simple and effective mod that gives you a FEL blower running off the PTO & quick connect features. I'd like to get more info from the original builder of this idea or input from anyone else who may have done this as well and if...
  16. C

    Kubota Snowblower Loader Mount Mod

    Is anyone familiar with this modification made to a B2650 so the snowblower can be attached to a SSQA and still run off the PTO? This video is a year old and I'm guessing it might have been discussed on this forum. Looks like a fairly simple modification that allows you to attach the Kubota...
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    SSQA Snow Blower for LX3310

    youtube]8lHo2d8PH0s That's exactly what I am looking for!! I'm trying to connect with the builder for plans, if possible. I am using a UTV for plowing now but I need a FEL because of the limitations for where I can blow & plow. Tractor is the best solution right now. I've been looking at many...
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    SSQA Snow Blower for LX3310

    I really would like a ssqa type blower for my tractor. I've been trying to get info on the Bercomac units as they are the closes thing to ssqa operation. I'm looking at the 66″ Vantage Snowblower for tractors equipped with "Skid Steer" style attachment, see below. Not cheap, listed a $7600...
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    SSQA Snow Blower for LX3310

    Your right, I had it in my head that the front blower was on the FEL assembly which (I'm use to using a skid steer), of course, it is not and does not have the reach or height I was talking/thinking about, :rolleyes: . I'm recognizing that it will still be the LX2980 but I will have to do a...
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    SSQA Snow Blower for LX3310

    Yes, I've been looking them over even though the Kubota dealer didn't think they are very dependable. Not sure if he had my best interest in mind or what but I am still looking them over. Don't think I would use them on a UTV though.