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  1. Snowman7

    Kubota Regeneration

    I typically am mowing or blowing at around 2350-2400. If I am tooling through the woods (firewood) I am running 1800-2000
  2. Snowman7

    Kubota Regeneration

    So my 3310 has about 420 hours and with the exception of one 25-26 hour interval it has gone into regeneration every 16-17 hours. The only thing that sucks is when it happens when you are done working and ready to shut the tractor done. No issues
  3. Snowman7

    Cold weather OPEN station snow plowing/blowing.

    You are not kidding, nothing like a northwest wind that becomes northeast in .25 seconds and delivers a face full of fresh powder!
  4. Snowman7

    Cold weather OPEN station snow plowing/blowing.

    I have moved snow for 39 years and the heated cab has been here for 3 of those. I am sure I have blown snow in blizzard conditions and -20 to -30 many times. Pac boots, layers, Carhart, snowmobile helmet, extra gloves inside my Carharts. There is nothing I miss about all of that as I am...
  5. Snowman7

    R14 Tires - LX2610 - Snow Chain Recommendations

    Do you plow much with your Ranger?
  6. Snowman7

    R14 Tires - LX2610 - Snow Chain Recommendations

    I have been blowing my 1/4 mile driveway with no chains for 39 years. Turfs and now the R-14’s. I do have a couple hills, one that gives me trouble sometimes( snow conditions ). I just blow downhill for that short distance that the hill is present. I would try without chains to see how she...
  7. Snowman7

    Best hydrostatic range for plowing snow

    I blow snow in medium, LX3310, no problem.
  8. Snowman7

    Advice on the 2024 LX4020 w/MMM needed

    After having my rear finish mower for three seasons I can say I will never go back to a mmm. I love the ability to not have it aboard when I am headed to the woods, which is often.
  9. Snowman7

    LX pricing

    I agree on the ride. I have not taken the time to mess around with tire pressure but I do love that year round traction those R-14’s deliver.
  10. Snowman7

    Lx3310 at dealer again 5th time

    Boy do I feel lucky, my LX has been perfect for 340 hours. Good luck!
  11. Snowman7

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Beautiful wood shed
  12. Snowman7

    Handy spanner wrench for top link adjustment

    $ $20 well spent, enjoy😊
  13. Snowman7

    L4060 vs L4760 real world loader capacity comparison

    Ok, wild ass guess here, 1580 lbs.?
  14. Snowman7

    Thanks everyone. Bought an L4060 today.

    I had turfs on a JD770 for over twenty years. I went in the woods, blew a 1/4 mile driveway( it used to snow a lot here ), and cut 3 or 4 acres. It did not do well in the mud, lol, ask me how I know😊
  15. Snowman7

    Lx3310 operating rpm

    That is how I think
  16. Snowman7


    I know I am late to the thread here but my 3310 has been great as long as you can deal with the whine. I deal with it with Pandora and my Isotunes. 27 pto hp is awesome!
  17. Snowman7

    The Bushwacker !!!!!!!!!!

  18. Snowman7

    The Bushwacker !!!!!!!!!!

    Apply for your patents and get to work! Love it!
  19. Snowman7

    Anyone ever make their own small farm/duck pond?

    What a great pic!
  20. Snowman7

    How to tell if my tires have ballast?

    I accidentally removed a Valve once thinking I was just taking the cover off. Projectile liquid ballast about 20 feet. The amazing thing is that the force did not blow the valve out of my hand. It was out of the tire for no more than 2 seconds. Shocked the crap out of me, lol. The grass was...