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  1. B

    anti freeze question

    Hmmmm......Now that a good thought, never thought of interaction with different brands and type...thanks for the head up !!! will be flushing
  2. B

    anti freeze question

    I always use Kubota filters, and oils for my maintenance work on my B3200, but when I saw $24.00 a gallon for pre mix Kubota anti freeze, I thought have re think this one. Curious on other opinions on this.
  3. B

    stripped threads for tranny oil drain

    Need help, B3200 owner : If the threads on the casing ( not the drain plug it self ) where you screw out your oil drain plug to drain the oil out of the tranny are stripped, what can be done too fix the problem, with out having to change out the whole casing. New to forum, all help appreciated.