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  1. T

    Kubota D1105T 3 cylinder engine, too much fuel

    wolfman, yes, I had to take the rack off as it was stuck and gummed up as well. Yes, there were 6 screws on the rack retention plate. I am the first to admit, that I may have re-assembled this thing wrong. I did NOT take the top off of the pump. pistons #2 and #3 were stuck in the "up"...
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    Kubota D1105T 3 cylinder engine, too much fuel

    Thanks for the comments guys. I will tell you that the pump went back together exactly as it was disassembled. I kept each piston assembly together, so shims were not mixed up when reassembled. Also, the pump housing was not removed from the engine, only the pump body, pump cam shaft was...
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    Kubota D1105T 3 cylinder engine, too much fuel

    ok, i'll bite on that. So, wouldn't that produce the opposite effect: not enough fuel? Not arguing, just trying to determine cause and effect in your suggestion. If the injector pump is still "sticky" it shouldn't pump the correct amount of fuel. This thing smokes like a stoked up coal...
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    Kubota D1105T 3 cylinder engine, too much fuel

    I smokes at idle and at full throttle. Knock goes away at full throttle. The new injectors helped, but did not totally resolve the issue. I would estimate it reduced the smoke by 50%. One thing I am going to check today is the valve lash. This thing sat for at least 5 years without running...
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    Kubota D1105T 3 cylinder engine, too much fuel

    Hi guys, hope someone can assist here. I have a Kubota D1105T engine on a Toro commercial mower. Bought it used and not running. so, after a wee bit of normal "pre-start" checking, found no fuel getting to the injectors. Ok, so I pulled the injector pump and cleaned a boat load of gum out of...