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  1. F

    Decreasing Down Pressure 3 Point

    Where can you find those cylinders? Having a hard time finding.
  2. F

    Decreasing Down Pressure 3 Point

    I like the idea. I am trying to decide whether wheels or a "shoe" would be better. I can make an argument for either. Any thoughts?
  3. F

    Decreasing Down Pressure 3 Point

    That is probably the road I am going to take (similar). I have two gauge wheels I mounted to the back. I think a couple of heavy duty compression springs and shims, will allow me to do the same thing.
  4. F

    Decreasing Down Pressure 3 Point

    I am happy to have my problem rather than your temp!
  5. F

    Decreasing Down Pressure 3 Point

    Mine doesn't have skis at all. Not built that way.
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    Decreasing Down Pressure 3 Point

    OK, let me clarify. It is a front facing 3 pt. snowblower. Yes, you drive over the snow first. Instead of "down pressure" I should have said weight. I have fabricated two gauge wheels on the back and change the cutting blade to one with a 45 degree angle to try and avoid the gravel. The weight...
  7. F

    Decreasing Down Pressure 3 Point

    I own a front facing 3 point snow blower. It weighs just over 1000 pounds. Because of the weight, it digs into the gravel driveway and strips a ton of gravel until (or if) the driveway freezes. I mounted gauge wheels on the back and had and angle blade (a 45 degree angle cut on the front) which...
  8. F

    Aftermarket FEL SSQA

    I have been, for years, toying with the idea of converting my pin loader to a quick attach. I've always puckered at spending $1500 for the tractor part. I keep looking for alternatives and found some at around $400, but they look a little sketchy. Anyone have experience with a decent alternative?
  9. F

    Radiator hose size?

    Actually figured it out. I called Kubota and found dealers that stocked the hose and asked them to measure it. Turns out to be 1 1/4". :)
  10. F

    Radiator hose size?

    I live in a remote area and things are not readily stocked. I cannot have my tractor down while they order the part. I use the tractor to feed and blow snow. Got to be a way!
  11. F

    Radiator hose size?

    After exploring my options, I have decided that the easiest way to add "insurance" to cold starts this winter is a lower radiator hose heater (basically the same idea as a block heater, though a little easier to install). I have searched the net and visited my local dealer to determine the...
  12. F

    Block vs Oil Pan Heater

    Last year I was caught a little off guard when our temperature dropped to -20 and had a time getting my L5030 HST started. I vowed to correct that before this winter. It seems there are mixed reviews on which is better, a block heater or an oil pan heater. Certainly the pan heater is less...
  13. F

    Moving wheels out?

    I have a L5030 HST. Every year I put the rear chains on for winter and if I don't get them just right, they interfere, just barely hitting the fender support. Is there somewhere reasonable to get spacers (I don't consider $350 reasonable for two steel rings).
  14. F

    Cab Door Cylinder

    I have 2 cylinders (dampers) that are gone on my door/window of my cab. The replacement parts for Kubota are almost $80. I am sure they are the same as other less expensive dampers but cannot find a cross reference. Anyone know where to find them (or after market versions)?
  15. F

    Aftermarket Parts ????

    Does anyone have any links to aftermarket parts? I love my tractor, but $160 for a headlight assembly is a bit much.