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  1. J

    60” Mower deck front lever

    On a BX25 is the orange front lever that rotates up and hooks/locks the Mid mount Mower deck bracket to the tractor part of a base bx tractor or only comes with the mower deck if purchased. Its the one on the right.
  2. J

    BX25 runs rough when warm

    SUCCESS! Before buying a new pump I needed to verify I didn't have a clogged line or junk in the tank so I Worked my way back along the fuel line, disconnecting sections at a time, and blowing out each with compressed air. Got to the last section, the one that feeds fuel into the first filter...
  3. J

    BX25 runs rough when warm

    UPDATE: cracked the HST filter as suggested. Only trans fluid came out. No watery yank goodness. Changed the filter and fluid while I was at it. Noted it was very low on udt2. Roughly 7 liters in there when there should be about 11. Put all I had 2.5gal/9.46 liters in. Getting more to top it...
  4. J

    BX25 runs rough when warm

    Definitely not but I can see where you are going with that. Thanks for suggesting it.
  5. J

    BX25 runs rough when warm

    Ok. Gotcha. Makes sense. what would be spooky is if it flowed good when the tractor was cold and trickled when warm. What would cause that? (Thinking ahead here).
  6. J

    BX25 runs rough when warm

    can you (or someone) elaborate? not familiar with a "outlet screen" or how to do a "gravity flow test". Thank you!
  7. J

    BX25 runs rough when warm

    when you say same issue, it would work fine under load until everything warmed up or it bogged under load even when cold. How did/does your fuel gauge behave?
  8. J

    BX25 runs rough when warm

    Interesting. I'll have to look into that. I wonder how that would affect a warranty. My bumper to bumper has expired of course but still under power train one.
  9. J

    BX25 runs rough when warm

    Thank you. I'll give all this a try. Question: is there by chance a fairly simple way to completely detach the HST load from the engine so as to isolate the two systems?
  10. J

    BX25 runs rough when warm

    Hi there. Great forum you all have here. Thanks for having me. So, My BX25 has 313 hours on it and Has worked perfectly till now. Starts and runs fine (maybe sounds a little "rough" but hard to tell.) All features work just fine etc,... for about 15 minutes then it starts to run rough, nearly...