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  1. M

    L1500 Difficulty Starting

    I'd hate to walk to the Ginger Factory but it's not that far to drive, probably about 20 minutes at highway speed (100kph) Are you from Qld originally or did they emigrate out this way?
  2. M

    L1500 Difficulty Starting

    Bare foot right?
  3. M

    L1500 Difficulty Starting

    You can keep the -40 :eek: Trouble with the +40c here is it usually includes a humidity reading near enough to liquid air :D 80%+ Humidiity is not uncommon.
  4. M

    L1500 Difficulty Starting

    Temperature extremes can wreak havoc on batteries ours are from 0-40c :eek:
  5. M

    L1500 Difficulty Starting

    Jump started Wally on the weekend with some very heavy duty cables and replaced the earth strap, cleaned up the starter cable and connections on the solenoid and brush lead to the starter, also removed the leads to the glow plugs and cleaned them all up with Contact cleaner and a wire brush...
  6. M

    L1500 Difficulty Starting

    She normally gets the dust blown off her with the compressor, however I couldn't drive it to the compressor last time I was there. Bathing a tractor on a limited water supply in the middle of a drought will rank a low priority although understand the dust is not great for them in the long run.
  7. M

    L1500 Difficulty Starting

    Oil is as black as my beating heart :D I'm guessing the state of these two leads is not helping the cause!
  8. M

    L1500 Difficulty Starting

    Thanks Russell
  9. M

    L1500 Difficulty Starting

    Thanks; I'll be looking forward to it.
  10. M

    L1500 Difficulty Starting

    Anyone? Bueler, Bueler, Bueler :D
  11. M

    L1500 Difficulty Starting

    Would anyone happen to know the appropriate gauge and length of the positve wire from the battery to the starter and the earth wire from the battery to the chassis? I need to replace the wire but it's a 400km round trip.
  12. M

    L1500 Difficulty Starting

    Here's a picture of Wally!
  13. M

    L1500 Difficulty Starting

    Frank, thanks for that, unfortunately I can't read the writing. Could I trouble you to type the relevant numbers?
  14. M

    L1500 Difficulty Starting

    Hi Corney on the Z750 series engine the valve is on the front side of the tappet cover basically in the middle; pull it all the way toward the exhaust side of the engine, assuming of course the decompression cable is no longer fitted.
  15. M

    L1500 Difficulty Starting

    Thanks Darren & Frank. Darren would you happen to know the gauge and length of both the starter and earth cables. I might as well just replace them both as they are no doubt factory issued and would seem cheap insurance. Would you happen to have any details on a replacement starter if the...
  16. M

    L1500 Difficulty Starting

    Hi Folks, Long time lurker, first time posting. I have an L1500 which is a little champion; a friend called him Wally and it stuck. Use it mainly to slash a 5 acre block with a 4' Slasher; not quickly but we get the job done. He's been running like a dream since I picked it up until the last...