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  1. R

    l185 injection pump

    thank you for all the posts! I have finally figured out why it was getting stuck in the high speed position and it was my own doing! When I first got the tractor the injection pump was completely jammed with old fuel. The speed control rod would not even move. In the process of cleaning I...
  2. R

    l185 injection pump

    I (we) are making progress!! WoooHooo! I took off the injection pump - again and cleaned - again! This time it seems to run okay when I can get it started. The problem now is starting and staying running at high speed. When you start this tractor you are supposed to have it at full throttle...
  3. R

    l185 injection pump

    Okay. I have bled the system up to the injector pump. When I get to the injector pump there is fuel bubbling out of the left side but nothing on the right side. (2 cylinder engine). I removed the injector pump and removed the upper portion of the pump. (delivery valve holder thru to the pump...
  4. R

    l185 injection pump

    Then what are my options? I have disconnected the fuel lines at the pump and no fuel is being pumped. I am learning as I go here and I am not sure what to do next. Any advice? Anyone? Thanks.
  5. R

    L-185 injection pump diagram?

    michelle, did you ever get the diagram of the injection pump? I am getting ready to rebuild mine and this would b every helpful. thanks.
  6. R

    l185 injection pump

    Thanks for the information Robert. I have disconnected the lines from the top of the injection pump with nothing happening and the fuel is getting to the filter and I have a new filter on it. I have also removed the side cover and can see the fuel camshaft turning. I can only assume there is...
  7. R

    l185 injection pump

    I just purchased a L185 for a "project" from my neighbor. It has been sitting in the field for a bout a year and a half since it was last running. It appears I am not getting any fuel into the cylinders or out of the injection pump. My question is concerning the injection pump. Can they get...