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  1. J

    brand new 2650 use wrong fluid in oil

    I changed the oil/filter. Brother ran it for half hour the otherday.. I ran it for a good hour yesterday.. got stuck in deep snow on a steep incline.. worked it hard to get it out lol.. Worked great and seemed normal lol. I checked oil dipstick and saw some tiny bubbles in it.. I think I may...
  2. J

    brand new 2650 use wrong fluid in oil

    after adding the fluid, saw the oil dipstick and saw it overfilled.. drained it to proper level and then used it for a couple hours... changed the oil and filter this morning and seemed to be running good! Hard to tell it was -25 lol
  3. J

    brand new 2650 use wrong fluid in oil

    lol.. I'm not too concerned about my brother. I'll change the oil and probably take it back to the dealership for a once over. thanks
  4. J

    brand new 2650 use wrong fluid in oil

    I accidently put the premium UDT into the oil today! big accident! trying to top off the transmission fluid.. added about 2 liters :( then noticed the oil dip stick and saw that.. drained the oil/mixture out. Instead of reading the manual my brother said its all the same fluids.. lol his...