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  1. 1

    Proportional valves for 4-in-1 FEL? Top-N-Tilt?

    Ken - appreciate your insight, I'll plan accordingly. BTW I gotta get some of your bolt on hooks sometime soon ;)
  2. 1

    Proportional valves for 4-in-1 FEL? Top-N-Tilt?

    Thanks for the quick response Fit Rite does offer a nice setup for the TNT and is probably my "go-to". The 2 momentary rocker switches they use to control the box are "on-off", IIRC... I'm interested in proportional flow control where flow rate is proportional to control (lever, joystick...
  3. 1

    Proportional valves for 4-in-1 FEL? Top-N-Tilt?

    Is there a [somewhat] economic solution to installing fully proportional control on either a 4-in-1 (1 channel for jaw open-close) &/or TNT (2 channels) perhaps in a manner in which the control could be shared (although not simultaneously)? I'm considering this for a B2650. Thanks for any...