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  1. J

    What's big, scary looking and green?

  2. J

    New 2022 Polaris Electric Ranger

    Powertrain by Zero motorcycles, lithium battery, regenerative braking. A Tesla for the back 40.
  3. J

    First electric tractor 30-70 hp
  4. J

    B3200 front snowblower driveshaft quick hitch coupler stuck

    This the first time in 5 years that I can't get the quick hitch driveshaft coupler off the blower (not the quick hitch itself). Usually it just comes right off. I loosened the quick hitch handle. Then I tried different heights off of the the ground from down to 3/4" to float. I tried resting it...
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    How long before we see a Kubota BEV?

    I've seen articles on battery powered small utility equipment, but nothing this size...
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    Snowblower and Rust-Oleum hydrophobic spray

    With every snow season I seem to be getting more "icy mix" storms which make snowblowing a chore. My B3200's chute will eventually clog up with a concrete-like mush of water and snow. My question is about Rust-Oleum NeverWet, which I have used to seal my work boots. It supposedly works on metal...
  7. J

    Kevlar Snow Socks?

    It's that time of year to switch the FEL with the snowblower and I got that bad feeling in the pit of my gut when I opened the storage box that has the tire chains. It made me think of struggling to put those babies on my B3200 when it's cold and dark. Today I ran across and article on Kevlar...
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    Snowblower question B3200

    I've been through several winters in upstate NY, using my front snowblower on my 700 foot gravel private road and house loop. The rear tires are filled and I keep my backhoe on all winter for additional weight. The road has various grades to it, so last year I added rear chains to my...