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  1. S

    Power drops off under full load

    Hi, Fixed it !!!!!!! I drained the tank of diesel and emptied the fuel filter. Put new diesel in. Works a treat now. Thanks to the two of you for your help. I think the 2 weeks we had here in France over the winter of down to minus 15 celsius could have knackered the diesel. Will never leave...
  2. S

    Power drops off under full load

    Ok, will try that tomorrow morning. Thanks for your help I will let you know what I see........ Air intake is completely clear I checked that first.
  3. S

    Power drops off under full load

    Sorry to sound stupid but how do I check that I have free flow to the pump, and that the mechanical pump is working ? Disconnect the fuel line and see if fuel is pumping out ?
  4. S

    Power drops off under full load

    Hi wondered if anyone could please help me with this problem before I have to take it to a garage. Kubota B1400DT grey import from Japan. 800 hours. New oil filter, new air filter , new fuel filter. Before winter I had a leaking seal on the PTO, local garage fixed that , when I tried it when I...