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    BX2200 Brake Pedal Frozen

    I've been soaking it in PB Blaster and smacking it with a large hammer. So far it has moved an 1/8" or so, but I have really been smacking it. So much so that it his distorted the end of the shaft (I will need to grind it down before it gets close to the bushing). Just wish I could find a...
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    BX2200 Brake Pedal Frozen

    I spent the afternoon working on this without much luck. I have disassembled the brake tube from the brake linkages that go back to the transmission. It really looks like the break pedal tube is rusted into the bearing on the side away from the pedal. I have soaked it in PB blast, but so far...
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    BX2200 Brake Pedal Frozen

    Hey - I've had my Bx2200 for 10+ years and it has been a great tractor. However, lately I have been having a problem with the brakes. Last year, I had to reach down and pull up on the brake pedal to get the brakes to release. Now, no matter how hard I push or pull on the pedal, the mechanism...