Search results

  1. B

    Yes. I have a Frontier SB1164 rear mount snowblower.

    Yes. I have a Frontier SB1164 rear mount snowblower.
  2. B

    Photo shoot anything lately? Random Photo Thread

    Couple of days ago I notice this unique looking robin. I've never seen a robin with white feathers on it's head.
  3. B

    WTB: Front Snowblower for B7800

    If the seller is willing to sell just the snowblower set-up, here's a B2920 with front mount snowblower for sale in Maine. B2920 and B7800 are basically the same tractor and that front mount snowblower should work on your B7800 just fine...
  4. B

    Chains VS Industrial R4 tires

    The maintenance manager at my Kubota dealer claims the front ring and pinon gears aren't designed to handle the extra stress front tire chains can cause. He also said front ring and pinon gear replacement is not an uncommon repair for them One customer has had the front ring and pinon repair...
  5. B

    Chains VS Industrial R4 tires

    I put rear tire chains on my B7800s R4 tires and it made a big difference during the winter. I don't dare put front tire chains on my tractor in fear I could damage the front gearing. My Kubota dealer recommended only rear tire chains also. You might want to read this before putting rear chains...
  6. B

    B7800 Frt axle case oil change

    I'm ready to do a 300 hour oil change on the front axle of my B7800. My operator's manual states that I can use Kubota UDT or Super UDT or SAE80-SAE90 gear oil. My dealer claims they only use SAE80-SAE90 gear oil. Capacity is 4.7 quarts. The liquid on the front axle dip stick is very light oil...
  7. B

    small chainsaw recommendations

    I have two bigger Sthil saws but I hardly use them anymore since I got my Echo CS-400 which has served me very well. I got mine from an Echo dealer, but I noticed the local Home Depot also carries them.
  8. B

    Need a tractor seat?

    Thanks, but I think you are probably correct. It is a nice looking seat though. It looks like that link you provided in the first post has other seats that have a shorter back that would work for me. I bet they're not as comfortable as the seat you got though.
  9. B

    Need a tractor seat?

    How high is the back ? I need a seat for my B7800 but the back can't be too high. I use a RM snow blower and while looking rearward, I swing my Right arm over the back of the OEM seat.
  10. B

    Question re float position on B7800

    On my B7800 the float position is all the way forward on the up/down lever. It should lock in place, and you should be able to let go of the lever and it'll stay in that position. My loader is a LA402.
  11. B

    New Piranha attachment - I accidentally ordered the wrong one!

    I ordered a 58.5" Piranha for the 60" wide bucket on my B7800 on 03/28/19. It shipped on 04/09/19 and I received it on 04/12/19. I sent an email inquiry to them on 04/02/19 and did not receive a response until 04/11/19, one day before I received my Piranha Bar.
  12. B

    BX2755HD 55” Blower In Action

    I like the video, it was interesting with the different camera positions used, but it would have been much better without any background music.
  13. B

    B2782 3 point conversion

    I like my 3 Pt snowblower and would not want a front mount, but there are plenty of folks that do not want to snowblow backing up and looking over their shoulder. Just doing a quick check online of use B2782 , both A and B. used B2782A are $3000 - $3500 and used B2782B are $4000- $4500...
  14. B

    B2782 3 point conversion

    Would it not be better to sell the B2782, even used they seem to fetch higher dollars than many new 3 pt snow blowers. You could then buy a new 3 pt. blower and probably have money left over. Most new 3 pt. blower use thick steel and larger diameter fans than many front mount blowers. A 3 pt...
  15. B

    First time tractor owner moving snow l3800

    Is your L3800 2 wd or 4 wd ? Hydro or Gear tranny ? A problem with a snow plow is snowbanks getting too big and running out of room to put the snow. I like using a snowblower for snow removal.
  16. B

    Snowblower Front mount or rear PTO - Thoughts?

    I'm 68 and have been using rm snowblowers for the last 13 years. It doesn't bother me to spin my butt around in the seat and snowblow while backing up, I understand it can be an issue for some folks and a front mount blower would be better for them. 10 year before RM snowblowers I used a front...
  17. B

    5 gallon plastic gas can modification

    I don't worry too much about the mechanics of the diesel can nozzle. I've been using a battery operated kerosene pump to fill my B7800 with diesel fuel. I place the can of diesel fuel between the engine and loader frame, and the hose of the kerosene pump is just long enough to reach the...
  18. B

    Why no Front Mount Mower ?

    It looks like Caroni offers front mount mowers. Not sure if they're available in North America, or if they can be adapted to fit a Kubota B-series. 3PM added another link
  19. B

    Why no Front Mount Mower ?

    I really like front mount mowers concept and have a Husqvarna R322T lawn mower that has the articulating steering and front mount mower. Have got a Rear Mount Mower for my Kubota B7800 but really wish a front mount mower were an available option. I was thinking a front mount mower deck and a...
  20. B

    Why no Front Mount Mower ?

    I have often wondered why there isn't a front mount mower attachment available for the Kubota Quick Hitch System as is used on the B series Kubota tractor ? Snow blowers and a rotary broom are PTO powered and available for the Quick Hitch System. It seems the Quick Hitch System would be able to...