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  1. N

    Nothing like being quick on the draw.... Just saw you message. I live in the suburbs of...

    Nothing like being quick on the draw.... Just saw you message. I live in the suburbs of Rhoadesville Va. and have two acres and three tractors. My neighbor says my farm aint big enough. Anyway, back at you Eric...
  2. N

    fuel in oil

    Andy, I just now saw your post so you may have fixed the problem by now. If not, check the fuel pump for an internal leak. If the diaphragm is broken fuel will leak into the crankcase.
  3. N

    Rc6024b mid mount mower wheels

    The front wheels on my mid mount mower were shot. No problem just order two of them from my local bota problem if you're not cheap like me. These wheels are 53 bucks a copy. Looked around and found a suitable replacement at 14.75 each. If you are needing deck wheels for your mower...
  4. N

    B2100HSE Hyd Lift Problem

    The problem with the lift has been the same since my first post. Sometimes it works and sometime it wouldn't. This AM when I fired up the tractor the lift would not go up so I decided to tear into it and see if I could fix it before I took it to a dealer. I pulled the hydraulic cylinder...
  5. N

    Kill Switch

    A kill switch is a good idea. I would place it between the fuel cut off solenoid fuse and the solenoid. has a kill switch and lanyard for 'bout 13 bucks that may work for you.. Safty first, as they say.
  6. N

    B2100HSE Hyd Lift Problem

    My Kubota has an intermittent three point hydraulic problem. Things were working normal while pushing snow for a couple of hours using a 3 pt blade, then no lift... The power steering and hydraulic trans worked fine, but the blade would not go up. I shut the tractor down and checked the...
  7. N

    Leave it run or turn it off?

    Excessive idling can actually damage your engine components, including cylinders, piston rings, and crankshaft bearings. A diesel engine creates combustion of the injected fuel by the heat of compression. An idling engine is not operating at its peak temperature which means that all the fuel is...