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  1. Berniew

    Stopping a ZL600 engine on a B6000

    Hi, can anyone tell me why Kubota say not to use the decompression lever to stop the engine, where a lot of other tractors only have the decompression lever to stop them, Massey Ferguson 135 a case in point? The signage on the Kubota says it should only be used when the battery is low on charge...
  2. Berniew

    B6000E throttle control, Advise / Help

    Hi, the throttle on the B6000E is very loose and when using the belly mower, which it is recommended the tractor should be on full throttle, I have to tie the throttle lever down with a bungee cord. I have explored the forum and looked through the Kubotabooks owners and service manuals but...
  3. Berniew

    Fitted Suton Poo Picker / sweeper and cut PTO to fit B6000, All good till chain broke, PICTURES ATTACHED

    Hi, today I connected up the Suton Poo picker / sweeper and then cut the new 1200mm PTO down to 520mm, it was the only one they sold at the dealers. After an hours use behind my B6000 the chain on the sweeper broke and the engine stalled after the PTO jammed. I Stripped the sweeper and found one...
  4. Berniew

    Strange coupling for B6000E pictures included

    Hi All, please can anyone tell me what this coupling is for, see attached photos. It was found at the back of the shed and I was told it was originally off the Kubota B6000E that I have just put back together. All I have managed to work out is that it connects to the three point linkage but what...
  5. Berniew

    B6000E with Woods 304K belly mower

    Hi to all. I would just like to say a big thank you to all the people on this forum who offered me their advise and encouragement whilst I attempted to get my brothers B6000E back up and running with everything working. I have sorted the hydraulics so that it now operates, using a modern...
  6. Berniew

    Woods rotary (Belly) mower 304K-1 Owners Manual and Parts List with Assembly Instructions

    Hi All, found this and thought it might be of some use to someone, especially the belt routing part. Sorry but I had to reduce quality. If you want better quality message me. Had to do in two parts as can only download ten files at a time. Bernie
  7. Berniew

    B6000 engine number

    Hi Guys, I need to replace the cranckshaft front oil seal on my B6000. I have looked for the engine number in all the recomended places and cannot find anything. What I have found is a stamped plate on the injector pump, which covers up the place where I was expecting the engine number to be...
  8. Berniew

    Kubota B6000E Belly mower

    Hi there, I have a recently started working on a Kubota B6000 E tractor with a belly mower, which runs off a front PTO. I am unsure how the mower is supposed to be attached as when I removed the front PTO to fix it I had to also remove the plates at the front which held the mower deck. I then...
  9. Berniew

    Kubota B6000E front PTO flange and shaft to clutch

    Hello all. I am attempting to fix the front PTO shaft that drives a belly mower. The owner got fed up with the shear pin snapping everytime he hit something so welded the shaft up. The result is that the shaft broke and is now lost. I have scoured the web to find diagrams or pictures but I still...