Search results

  1. pigdoc

    SSQA adapter

    Hi folks, My FEL bucket looks like swiss cheese. To me, it doesn't make sense to simply replace the bucket. I'd like to capture the ability to mount different implements on the FEL. I see a lot of innovative pieces these days, all with female SSQA brackets on them. And, I see lots of SSQA...
  2. pigdoc

    One for the Wall of Shame

    Hi guys, Hadn't run the L2500 for months, so I was getting it ready for tomorrow's predicted 6 inches. Charged the battery, it started right up, ran for a few seconds, then quit. Tried a couple more times, same result. Figured it was the fuel filter. Picked up a new fuel filter this morning, a...
  3. pigdoc

    Rim Guard: home installation

    Hi guys, Got the tire ballasting done on the L2500. A year ago, I put Galaxy Earth Pro 13.6-24 tires on new 12" rims for this tractor. I wasn't sure what ballast I was going to use, so I had the rim/tire shop install inner tubes (in case I went with CaCl2), even though the tires are tubeless...
  4. pigdoc

    Messick's year-end sale ON! -Paul
  5. pigdoc

    Rimguard customer service AWOL?

    Hi Folks, I need to get ballast in my (new) rear tires and wheels. Settled on Rimguard (beet juice) as my choice. BUT, I am NOT inclined to either a) haul the tractor to the nearest Rimguard dealership (100 miles RT), OR, b) attempt to haul and then manhandle the loose rear wheels after they...
  6. pigdoc

    Hydroinflation guide (Firestone)

    Hi Folks, Found this online, in the Firestone Tire Data Book. Here's a link to the Tire Data book: 201341-2020-AG-Databook-combined.pdf ( There are tables for about any off-road tire that Firestone sells. Thought it might be a useful reference: Here's a snippet of the...
  7. pigdoc

    Auction Report: Big old Ls

    Yesterday was Wolgemuth's annual equipment sale. Probably 500 used (and new) tractors to choose from, in all conditions from salvage to new-in-the-crate. I found THREE big old L-series tractors that were all very interesting to me: 1. L4150 with LA950A loader and L4540A backhoe. 2088 hours...
  8. pigdoc

    Tire Selection, L2500DT

    Looking for the wisdom of others who have encountered this dilemma. This is the tractor that I recently bought and that I'm working to repair the front wheel drive on. Front propeller shaft coupler was totally stripped out, and it tore up the front drive pinion splines pretty good. I bought...
  9. pigdoc

    'bota BLING

    Starting a new one here, which is similar to the 'show us your toolbox' thread. I have a few to share, but I'll start with one and see how everyone chimes in first. When I got my L2500, I did NOT like the giant (125mm) hole in the bonnet to access the radiator cap. All kinds of debris falls...
  10. pigdoc

    L2500DT: fixing front wheel drive

    Hi Folks, Just a quick note for now, I'll follow-up this evening with more detail. I have found a reason for the front wheel drive to be nonfunctional on this tractor - the front coupler on the propeller shaft was completely stripped out. Apparently, this is not uncommon. $250 later, I got...
  11. pigdoc

    MORE buying advice needed: Toro REELMASTER 5400D

    I looked at another machine yesterday. My son needs an engine to run his big press brake. One of my clients has a derelict Toro REELMASTER 5400-D that he wants to get rid of. It has a Kubota D-1105TE engine in it. I couldn't find any numbers on it, but I wasn't digging very hard. The drive...
  12. pigdoc

    Buying advice needed: L2500

    Hi Folks, I have a line on a L2500 4WD that will be sold next week. I looked at this tractor this morning and followed up by doing a bit of research. Background: The L2500 was sold for only 3 years (1998-2000). It has a D1403 IDI engine (naturally aspirated). Serial Number of this one is...
  13. pigdoc

    How I roll

    About 35 years ago, I stumbled upon this concept for my vehicles that has ruled my choices ever since: "What the factory SHOULD have built, instead of what they did build." First platform that got this treatment was my 1966 Dart 270 Wagon. Was a factory V8/AC car with most of the factory...
  14. pigdoc

    Looking at a l2850

    @North Idaho Wolfman (because he is knowledgeable about the -50 series Ls), and all. An L2850 was offered for sale in my area on Saturday. I've had convos with the owner, a principal driver, and the sales rep for the owner, and got a few marginally useful pictures. It's 4WD. The pictures tell...
  15. pigdoc

    L3650 - passed on this one

    ...but probably should have bought it! Selling price ($10,500) includes buyer commission and sales tax. The only things I did NOT like about this tractor at that price was the hours (2355). And, the fact that it sat almost 600...
  16. pigdoc

    Pole barn construction

    Going to try something here. We'll see what the response is. I spent 4 summers after HS, building pole barns for a national company, Wick Ag Buildings, Mazomanie, WI. These were precut packages, typically arriving in two flat-bed semi-truck loads. At the end of that time of my life, I was...
  17. pigdoc

    L2550 at auction

    Went to an estate sale last Friday, specifically to watch this Kubota L2550 4WD sell: The estate was that of a hoarder, who ran out of money to pay the rent to store his stuff. Nothing in the sale had been used in...
  18. pigdoc

    G1800/G1900 PTO belt replacement

    Hi Folks, Wifey hit the dog chain when mowing a couple of weeks ago, stalling the mower deck before the engine bogged and died. The incident flat-spotted the mower drive belt, and wrecked the PTO drive belts: These were Kubota belts and I priced them out, coming to think that they were...
  19. pigdoc

    G1800: Throttle lever adjustment

    Hi guys, This had become a problem with my G1800S. The throttle lever would not stay put, and would let the engine drift down to idle. During seasonal maintenance which included removing the radiator screen (between operator's legs) and spraying out fins of radiator, I located the adjustment...
  20. pigdoc

    your best score

    I rarely start new threads, but I'm in a reminiscent mood. Here's the challenge: Describe your best "score" of a machine or a part in terms of quality, utility and price. Here's my entry: I was at an estate sale many years ago. At the beginning of the sale, there, on top of a wheelbarrow full...