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  1. B

    Where do I get spare parts for Land's Pride grapple?

    I have a SG0660 grapple that, due to some unfortunate actions during detachment (she says she's sorry) , a hydraulic hose and fitting have broken. I have been on the Land's Pride site and found the parts....but there appears to be no way on that site to actually purchase them. Is there any...
  2. B

    Placement advice of monoblock 2 spool valve on B2650

    I have another thread going about putting rear remotes on my B2650. I have purchased the P40G-2A1 from summit and I'm slowly putting together the list of fittings and couplers I'll need to get it plumbed in. Some of the decision making is going to be based on where it gets mounted on the...
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    Question about state Summit Hydraulics valves when box is opened.

    So I ordered a hydraulic valve from Summit. They offered using Amazon Pay for checkout, so I decided to just go on Amazon and get it there. Same price, and clearly still from Summit. When the valve arrived, I was surprised to find that the plastic bag enclosing the valve had already been...
  4. B

    Hydraulic/Electric toplink for B2650 (w/o rear remotes)?

    I love my box blade and have a lot of smoothing/grading of my backyard to do, and would love the flexibility that a moving toplink would give me. But having seen a few videos of what adding rear remotes would look like, given that I have a backhoe, I'm not liking it. I've heard of an electric...
  5. B

    Removing/Capping a hydraulic fitting (B2650)

    Turns out I have to replace the female hydraulic connector that is behind all the other connectors. While I'm doing this, I think I would like to move or remove the extra large fitting on the top. It came with the tractor (used) and goes to a Laneshark implement that I don't have, nor plan...
  6. B

    Damaged hydraulic connector (B2650 3rd function)

    Ok, quick story time first....with the winter storm looming, I knew it was time to bring in the firewood. We store our firewood under a pole barn about 100 ft from the house, so to make getting wood for the stove easier, I devised a system that involves using the tractor (that was kinda my only...
  7. B

    Fixing tweaked B2650 SSQA in the cheapest way possible

    Well, if you saw my previous thread about the grease fitting, I told you my next issue wouldn't be QUITE so easy to fix... My used B2650 is wonderful, but does come with a few issues I'd like to correct. The current issue is the SSQA, which as you can see in the picture, has the "feet" out of...
  8. B

    How to fix this grease fitting?

    Got my B2650 used, so there's a few peculiarities to it I'm trying to fix. One is this grease fitting. It's inside the right arm of the loader. The one on the left side points up, which makes it a lot easier to get a grease gun on. This point points down. I'm assuming I can tighten it...
  9. B

    Bobcat box blade? Or Titan or Southern?

    I didn't know Bobcat made implements for 3pt hitch, but I see one in my local area. $900 for a new one, which is lower than other brands I've seen, I just don't know if Bobcat is a quality brand. Can anyone vouch for it? I've also seen Titan and Southern as brands and haven't found much as...
  10. B

    Box blade or tooth bar for grading grassy area? Or neither?

    One of the projects that I want to get done this summer is re-grading of the backyard area. There is a low spot that collects the rain water and turns to mud. Also, we put in a pool last year in the backyard, and I want to grade away from the pool so water doesn't collect around it as well...
  11. B

    B2650 suddenly won't start

    The good news is that I had JUST finished doing what I needed to get done, and was starting it up to put it away...when it wouldn't start. Tractor was running perfectly fine before this, it didn't die on me, I just turned it off. Battery light and low oil pressure lights come on when key set to...
  12. B

    Adding lights to my B2650 ROPS

    There are lots of great guides, though I can't seem to find any dealing with SPECIFICALLY the B2650. So the first thing I want to verify is the "work light lead". I THINK it's this, right? From what I've learned so far, I SHOULD be able to add about 84 watts worth of lights to ROPS before I...