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  1. T

    Trying to Rube Goldberg a rear hitch for BX23D w/backhoe attached

    Here's the scenario: I have a BX23D MLB. Taking the backhoe on/off is quite a project for me even if I have the backhoe dolly, so while it's not the most favored set up, I plan to leave the backhoe on the tractor during the summer. During the summer season, I like to use a pull-behind sprayer...
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    Help with quick connect fitting size for Kubota BT 600 Backhoe

    Last Fall, I discovered the quick connect fitting of the backhoe for the return side was leaking. So, I bought a new fitting from Summit Hydraulics via ebay. The backhoe was removed for the summer and the new quick connect fitting was installed at that time so that I could get to the hose...
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    question about crankcase dipstick oil level BX23D

    Totally puzzled on this...yes, I know it is basic but something is amiss...probably me. Anyway, I changed the oil and filter today in the BX23D. The manual calls for 2.6 qts to refill when the filter is changed with the oil. So, I put 2.6 qts of new synthetic oil into the machine, looked at...
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    Handy spanner wrench for top link adjustment

    As a woman and no genetics from Amazon women, I've always had difficulty trying to adjust the top link after I got an implement attached. Box blade is the worst and tiller a close second, although the plow can give some "backtalk." So, I found this adjustment tool for sale on ebay by someone...
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    Need help with RCK60B-22BX MMM repair

    I have a 2004 Kubota BX23 that came with a 60" MMM. I've had this since 2020 with no issues. Yesterday, when I engaged the mower, I heard all kinds of racket so of course I quickly turned everything off to figure out what in the world was happening. The mower blade, pulley and parts on the...
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    Is there a rear hitch available for Kubota BX23D with a BT600 Backhoe?

    Every once in a while, I'd like to pull something without the need to take the BH off the tractor. Is there some kind of rear hitch that can be attached to a 2004 Kubota BX23D so that the BH does not need to be removed? While removing the BH is not terribly hard...and I have the BXpanded BH...
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    steering cylinder won't stay put

    My lovely tractor is a 2004 BX23D...has been doing great. This morning, however, the tractor wasn't steering correctly. When I looked, the problem is that the steering cylinder comes out of the steering cylinder guide. When I fix one side, the other side comes out. Obviously something is not...
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    Is a glow plug a glow plug...a glow plug?

    I'm all for supporting Kubota dealers and have appreciated Messick's for many parts. I have confidence that ordering from Messick's or the local dealer assures that I have the part that I need. I understand oil filters, air filters, fuel filters, fluids, etc., need to be top quality to keep...
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    Question on overrunning clutch coupler use on a rotary tiller

    Got a JD 647 tiller (sorry it's green but the price was right). There is no slip clutch. I have used it once this Fall and it operated well but I have concerns with the shear pin concept. There are not a lot of huge rocks in the garden to till but you never know. I could get a slip clutch, I...
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    Question on BX23D pto selection and resulting movements

    I have recently removed the backhoe from the 2004 BX23D MLB and have attached the 3 pt linkage. There are 3 choices for PTO operation: mid-mount PTO, rear PTO and a selector for both at the same time. The mid-mount mower is still attached to the tractor; no implements attached at the PTO for...
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    HF Quick Hitch questions...again

    Yes, there has been discussion about the HF quick hitch so try not to overly flame me. I am currently in a discussion with myself to purchase one of the QH's. It appears that some modifications need to be made and I can live with that. Because the implements I have are quite old, probably...
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    Question about control valve spring lubrication

    This question is being posted as a main thread since the original thread about a BT600 boom would not swing left but would swing right has reached conclusion. That issue has been repaired. But, in the process, I have a question about the spring lubrication within the valves. As I...
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    Electrical help needed on BX23D

    Well, I'm back. I started a thread several weeks ago but it has been too hot in the garage to work on this problem. Today is a bit better so I wanted to give it a try. Rather than try to resurrect the old post, I thought I'd start anew. Story is...BX23D won't start. The battery voltage and...
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    BT600 backhoe swings right but not back left

    Where would we be without some issues to solve about these tractors? It seems never ending...and I wouldn't mind if it would end! My Kubota BX23 MLB was activated today, planning to use the backhoe. Everything is working as it should except the boom will not swing very well to the left. It...
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    Beginning to troubleshoot starting problems

    Foiled again. Everything working on BX23, new hydraulic hoses,, can't start it! :-( When I attempted to start, the dash lights came on but nothing else. Of course I tried this multiple times and, at times, there would be a single click on the right side and then after releasing...
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    mid-mount mower belt replacement

    My tractor (BX23) has a 60" mid mount mower, RCK60B-BX22. Currently, it doesn't need a new belt but I want to get one since it need one at some point. Wouild anyone recommend a good belt, perhaps other than from Kubota? Some of these parts are quite pricey. Thanks for suggestions. TG
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    how to adjust rear tire clearance for RCK60B-22BX on a BX23 MLB

    While working in the woods to clear some thorn bushes, the mid-mount mower seems to have "shifted" backwards so that it is now sporadically grazing the rear tires of the tractor. The clearance between the rear of the mower deck and the tires was quite small when I got the tractor and I tried to...
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    BT600 hydraulic line sizes and problems

    If anyone has a BT600 backhoe and can help with this, I'd be most grateful. The six hoses that come from the control valve to the boom/dipper/bucket all are "crammed" under the boom cylinder hook up area. And, when I say crammed, I mean crammed. I cannot find any specs on these hoses as to...
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    BT600 Boom leak

    I'm in the process of determining the location of hydraulic oil leak in a BT600 backhoe. It may be a hose but the leak is somewhere inside the boom. I have to remove the boom cylinder to get a closer look. That process, for me, is a bit of a job. BUT, here's the question. How do you find a...
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    Air filter constantly loosens

    The tractor is a BX23 TLB 2004. I have replaced the metal "strap" fittings (formal name on part list is "stay") that attach the air filter to the engine. One was broken when I purchased the tractor. Someone apparently had tried to solder it, but it wouldn't hold. So, after replacing the...