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  1. J

    Pond dredging Project

    Hi all, I have a 1/2 acre pond on my property that I have been working on (previous owners neglected it along with everything else). I am at the point where I would like to try and pull out all the muck on the bottom (along with what ever else is there) from the first 10-20 along the bank. I...
  2. J

    Gonna try the 3pt mower this year.

    I picked this 60” 3pt finish mower a few days ago. Gonna try mowing with it this year instead of my MMM. With all the other tractor work I do taking the MMM on and off every week starts to get laborious. If this works well then I will be selli by of my 60” MMM deck.
  3. J

    RMM for BX2200

    So I purchased a BX2200 a few years ago and it came with a MMM. I mow about 3 acres of my 5 acre property. There are a few trees around the house, but overall it is wide open and flat. Overall I am happy with the performance of the MMM, but I use the BX for a lot of other things besides...
  4. J

    Small project this morning

    Always fun when I can help a friend out. Loaded up the BX2200 and headed over. Plan was to remove the sod in the area off the patio and around the pool deck. Then make a gravel walk way from the patio to the hose area, pool deck and shed. This was the first time really putting the new piranha...
  5. J

    Are these the Gator Blades to get?

    I need to replace the blades on my bx2200 60" deck (RCK60). I have read people saying that Gator blades cut great, mulch things up more and even help keep the underside of the mower deck cleaner. I wanted to make sure I was looking at the right ones...
  6. J

    Tilling time!!

    Always a good time of year. I rent a tiller from my local farm store/Kubota dealer to till up the garden. This year I added a bunch of topsoils and compost, so hoping for a good harvest. Got mine tiller and plant d this morning. Going to head over to a friends tomorrow to get his tilled up. Also...
  7. J

    Any Pond folk out there?

    I have a 1/2 acre pond on my property. The prior owner completely neglected the property and it was so grown up around it that you couldn't even see the pond. It was also completely covered in algae. Since I moved in I have cleared all around it, treated the pond with blue dye and enzymes...
  8. J

    The toy tractor does it agian….

    The rain finally let up enough for me to have a load of top soil delivered. 22 tons moved and spread in the garden with my BX2200. Next will be a load of compost and tilling.
  9. J

    Friends don't let friends shovel dirt

    A good friend of mine had 4 yards of dirt dumped in his driveway to add to his garden. That's a lot of dirt to move with a shovel and wheel barrow, so I loaded up the BX and headed over. Made short work of it and didn't even break a sweat...... Best thing is it gave me a chance to figure out...
  10. J

    BX2200 HST peddle vibration

    Hi all, So it is starting to warm up here, so mowing season has started. Machine is a BX2200 with about 1100 hours on it. Full fluid service was done with all kubota products about 100-200 hours ago. I have noticed what feels like some excessive vibration in the HST peddle. I only feel it when...
  11. J

    Time to test the Toothbar

    Time to test this guy out. Bought it over the winter and just installed it today. We are expanding the garden and I want to remove the sod prior to spreading a bunch more topsoil and compost.
  12. J

    Tips for well line?

    Got the BX and my towable backhoe out for the first bigger spring project. Running a new line from the well in to the house to get rid of the outside well house. I also think the old line is leaking since my well pump started running constantly and the system won’t build more than about 25psi...
  13. J

    Stump removal

    So I purchased a towable backhoe to complement my BX2200. It was a little muddy out, but with more rain coming I wasn’t going to miss the chance to try out the new toy. Dug around all 4 sides and got it loose enough where I could almost pull it out with the backhoe Then I was able to use the...
  14. J

    Towable Backhoe

    Might not technically be an attachment, but I use the BX to move it around the property. Got delivered on Friday. Put it together and tested it out today. It’s going to take some practice to get efficient with it, but still a whole lot better than a shovel.
  15. J

    The toy tractor saves my back again

    Harbor Freight had their towable trencher on a big sale earlier this month. I have some projects that, at the price, it made sense to buy one vs renting something so I placed my order. Shipment arrived today. Truck had a lift gate, but the pallet jack wouldn't work on the stone drive. I was...
  16. J

    Replaced BX turnbuckles

    Got these in the mail today and installed them. Hopefully they will make it easier to hookup and remove attachments. Before After
  17. J

    BX2200 Hydraulic Hardline question

    So a little while ago when I was spreading a bunch of gravel I notices that I was leaving small drips on the ground when lifting a full bucket. Finally got around to tracking down the leak. There is a pinhole leak in the center hardline in the picture right were it goes through the pillow...
  18. J

    Part number diagram for BX2200 hydraulic hardline

    Spreading gravel today and I started to notice some drops where I had been getting bucketloads. Upon inspecting the tractor closer it appears to be one of the 3 hard lines that connect to the FEL. I have not takes things apart yet, but it is dripping from the pillow block bracket that hold the 3...
  19. J

    Driveway Expansion.

    I have a U shaped driveway at the house but is narrow enough they that you have to drive through part of the inside of the U if any other cars are parked. It is also a pain when backing our camper in. We decided it was time to widen/expand it. Didn't take too long to get the sod off. Made a...
  20. J

    BX2200 4wd front axle clicking when under stress

    Hi all. I have been doing some box blade work and moving piles of dirt with my BX2200. I noticed that when I get to where the Box Blade stops the tractor or the pile of dirt stops it when scooping I get a clicking noise from the front axle. 4wd works as it should. No noise when driving it or...