Search results

  1. hodge

    Need help/advice with an L2350

    My neighbor has an L2350. It is low hour (883), and it above average shape. He and his wife bought it recently, and are getting acquainted with the tractor. When the tractor is shifted into 4WD, the driveline tightens up within moving a foot or two. You can feel it- it won't free roll. Lift the...
  2. hodge

    Are there Steiner fans here?

    As a teenager, I was exposed to Steiner mowers, and was able to operate one. It left an indelible impression on me, and it became a bucket item to (eventually) have one. I found an original Steiner S-20, low hours (1400), with a 20 horse Onan on it. It is original paint, engine/hydraulics, sheet...
  3. hodge

    Ford 1300. Need some serious help.

    A friend of mine from church bought a 1979 Ford 1300 tractor, 4WD, 770 loader, 600 hours. It was owned by his brother in law, and he only used it for very light loader work and snow removal. He never used the 3 point or PTO. My friend, Johnny, bought the tractor from him last Summer. I hauled it...
  4. hodge

    Needed- early B7100 stabilizer mounting ears

    I have a customer who wants telescoping stabilizers for his B7100, but its missing the ears. Anybody got some for sale?
  5. hodge

    L3130 lift arms source?

    I try and go to equipment/implement sales in my area- it gives me opportunity to see tractors that I don't have stabilizer measurements for. I went to one on Thursday, which is held multiple times a year. I go prior to the auction day. This time, they had a Kubota L200 for auction. No idea how...
  6. hodge

    A Green equipment question- Deere X300 rider with a dead cylinder

    My father has about a 10 year old X300, 1130 hours. It has been used residentially, on very hilly land. Amazingly, the K46 is still going. About a week ago, he started dealing with a low power situation. I pulled the plugs and checked them first. They looked really good, but I went ahead and...
  7. hodge

    How many implements do you have?

    Simple question- I'm curious what is typical or average. Between my father and I, we have 19. Sure glad we bought most before prices went through the roof.
  8. hodge

    Any European members here with a BX261?

    I have a customer looking for a price on a set of telescoping stabilizers. The BX 261 has a very different stabilizer set up, with the location and mounting style very different than US BX models. I need some measurements, but my customer is from Italy; I suspect that I'm going to struggle...
  9. hodge

    Anybody with an L245DT? I could use a photo and some measurements

    As the title says, I am looking for a measurement for 3 point hitch stabilizers, and a photo of the factory stabilizer set up. Any help is appreciated!
  10. hodge

    Truck vs. Kubota, driver walks away
  11. hodge

    Buying a dump trailer- how to protect the bed from manure?

    We have a small horse farm, and we have to truck our manure away. There is a decent sized creek that runs through the property, and the only way to store the manure would be to build an expensive containment shed. So, we had decided to put the money into a dump truck or trailer, rather than a...
  12. hodge

    Crank adjustable leveling link

    I ordered (from Weaver's Compact Tractor Parts) a crank-adjustable leveling link this past weekend, for my JD 790. The price seemed reasonable, worth the convenience that it would add, and the measurements were close enough that I took the risk. It arrived yesterday- kudos to Weaver's for fast...
  13. hodge

    Here's something cool in your neck of the woods, Hokie. Sort of.
  14. hodge

    B7100 HST for sale

    B7100 HST for sale SOLD Don't hate me. I love Kubota tractors, but it would be fairer to say that I love TRACTORS. I appreciate other brands, too. I've wanted to upgrade from my B7100, because of two reasons- power steering, and position control. Even then, I wasn't unhappy with my B7100- I've...
  15. hodge

    Odd B7100 3 point setup

    Anybody have or ever seen a B7100, or a 6100 or 5100, with bent lift arms and outboard stabilizers? I have a prospective customer with them on his tractor, and a Kubota parts diagram showing the breakdown. I'm thinking that this is a 3 point from a different model. Any input?
  16. hodge

    Anybody versed in Chevrolet trucks?

    We- my dad and I- have a 99 Chevrolet 3500 dump truck. It is 4WD, has a manual transmission, a 350 V-8, and 58,000 miles on it. We are having issues with the brakes, and it needs an ABS pump. We don't want to go the used parts route, but would prefer either a rebuilt or new pump. But, it doesn't...
  17. hodge

    Want an oil pressure gauge on my B7100- links or tips?

    As it states- I've searched, but not found any concise advice on the best route to install an oil pressure gauge. So, fire away, and thanks in advance!
  18. hodge

    If anybody needs me-

    My email address is markhdg-AT-gmail-DOT-com. It has gotten to be such a pain to get on the site (stupid popups)- sometimes I can go days without it happening, others (like this morning), I have to make numerous- sometimes a dozen or more- attempts before I can get on to OTT. I'm not...
  19. hodge

    Keen shoe ads

    When I try and bring up the OTT webpage, 8 times out of ten I get a white screen with a Keen ad straight up through the middle. I have to sign off and back on, numerous times, to get in to the site. Anyone else dealing with the ad?
  20. hodge

    B7100 sticking diff lock

    I noticed the other day that my diff lock was sticking in the engaged position. I could pull up on the foot lever and disengage it, but it wouldn't return on its own. I know that this is a common issue, asked about here and there on the forum. I sprayed penetrating oil around the shaft going...