Search results

  1. D

    BXpanded Bucket Expander

    Does anyone have any first-hand experience with this item? I found a used one that is inexpensive locally, just don't know if it is worth buying. I think that it might make fall leaf cleanup a little easier.
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    For Sale: BX2816 Snowblower

    Kubota BX2816 Snow Blower with the BX2818 hydraulic chute turning and BX2820 electric chute deflector. I priced this last fall, and new from the Kubota dealer it would cost $4927 plus sales tax for the blower as equipped. I am asking $2400 less than half the price of a new one. This snow...
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    Suggestions for a wood floor.

    My wife wants to remove the carpet in the bedroom and replace it with a wood floor. When I mention "a wood floor" to friends they immediately recommend the laminated flooring, which is something that I don't care for. If you have a true wooden floor could you please post a picture and tell...
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    Frozen Hydraulic Couplers

    Today I tried to connect the two flat-faced couplers to my 3rd function valve, but they wouldn't seat. Finally, in desperation, I poured boiling water on them and miraculously they coupled with no effort. Does this mean that moisture has gotten into the couplings or is there water in my...
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    Don't Forget Old Friends

    Yesterday, a thought came to mind that I hadn't heard from an old high school friend in a while. I think that the last time we talked was just after Covid. I Googled his name and learned that he had died a few months ago. This got me thinking; I also haven't heard from another old friend who...
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    L35 Bucket Cylinder Problem

    A friend has an L35, and when he is traveling on a bumpy road, the bucket will move up and down violently while the arms stay stationary. When you push upward on the bucket, it will move a couple of inches with virtually no effort. You can visually see the bucket cylinders moving in and out...
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    Tire fill

    I had my rear tires filled by the dealership when the tractor was delivered about 5 years ago, and never gave a thought as to how much they filled the tires. Today when I was filling the tractor with fuel I guess the outside temperature and moisture were just right, and I could see a line on...
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    Kubota Plow (BX2812) Cylinder Question

    Today while using my Kubota plow I noticed that the moldboard was moving around a lot. I raised the plow and pushed on one end, and found that it had about a foot of deflection in each direction. It appears that the cylinder isn't holding the plow in the position that I set it at. The blade...
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    New BX23S question

    I was just looking at the Build a Kubota website and I see that they are offering 2 versions, but no explanation of what the differences are. 1) BX23S, R14 TIRES, LOADER/BACKHOE$25,343 2) BX23S, R14 TIRES, 2-LEVER LOADER/BACKHOE$25,967 Now I thought that the "2-LEVER LOADER" meant it was...
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    Kubota Easy Over Mower Deck

    Does anyone have experience with the new "easy over mower deck"? This is the model that allows you to drive over the deck to install it. It is model # RCK540-26BX-1. I have watched the videos of how to drive over and attach it to the tractor and also remove it from the tractor. My questions...
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    What did you get for Christmas or your holiday?

    I don't know why but a package arrived today and on the outside of the box was just the name Kubota. I checked the return address and it is from Kubota in Grapevine Texas. I even checked the postage and it also was mailed from 76051. My first thought getting a package from Kubota that wasn't...
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    I think that I have contracted RSV.

    For the past 3 days, I have been coughing, hacking, and bringing up phlegm. I looked up the symptoms of RSV and I seem to have all the symptoms. I did get an RSV vaccination in 2023, however, I don't know if that is supposed to lessen the symptoms or keep you from contracting it. I also have...
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    Question about hydraulic hood on a BX2822 Snowblower.

    The hood opening and closing on my snowblower moves too quickly and I want to install a restrictor in the line to slow the movement. It is operated by a 3rd function valve. The Parker 4A789A is an adjustable metered flow valvea indicated by an arrow on the side of the valve. Which way should...
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    What's up with some new members?

    What is it with new members that refuse to take the advice that is offered them? A great number of them seem ready to fight and belittle those who are putting a genuine effort into helping them solve a complex problem. Last week a new member managed to get banned for insulting another member...
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    The mouse mystery.

    This morning I found a dead mouse floating in the toilet. I have no idea how it got there and I have not seen any mouse droppings anywhere in the house. I can't even understand how it could have climbed up the side of the toilet, and if it were to leap from the tub surround, it would have to...
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    Will a RCK60B23BX fit a Kubota BX23S? If not, what are the mower decks' numbers compatible with the BX23S? Thanks for your help. Dusty
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    Bought A New Weight Box

    Today I bought a new weight box from a local tractor dealer. The box has no manufacturer's name, however, it has a Made In USA label. All of the welds look very good and for $200 plus tax ($12), I think that it is a good buy. I am thinking of adding a trailer hitch receiver to the bottom of...
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    LandPride Rear Finish Mower

    I am getting ready to put the rear finish mower away for the season, and my pressure washer is already put away in the cellar for the winter. I washed the top of the deck with Simple Green and water, and most of the grime has come off. The only place that the water beaded up was under the...
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    Kubota 4690 Back Hoe - NOT MINE!

    Just saw this on Facebook Marketplace. Located in Laughlintown, PA Price $3000
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    Material From Pond Dredging

    My neighbor is having the pond dredged and they need a place to put the material. I offered to let them put it on an old abandoned road on the edge of my property. The dredging company said it will be about 2000 cubic yards of material in burlap bags. They said it will take about 6 months for...