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  1. racerboy

    Thinking about going from B2601 to L series

    Hi everyone. I’ve had my B2601 for a couple of years and it’s been a great machine for my current property (only 2 acres, very rocky/wooded. We recently purchased a bigger piece of land (22 acres) that is a lot more open. It also has a 1/4 mile crushed stone driveway. I was considering moving...
  2. racerboy

    Chain link fence install DIY?

    Hi everyone. Not sure if this is the right forum to ask this, but I was looking to fence in a section the land behind my house that is mostly wooded. It would be mostly black chain link (375’) but would want the nice aluminum fence (60’) in the two areas that would be viewable from the driveway...
  3. racerboy

    A dumb 4WD question

    Pardon my ignorance, but when I was using my B2601 the other day to do some clearing for a lean-to attachment on my shed, I got hung up on a something (boulder or stump) in the mud. I was in 4WD, but only my left don’t and right rear tires were spinning as I tried to get free. Shouldn’t all 4...
  4. racerboy

    Leaking LP grapple

    I have the SCG0554 grapple and I definitely use it for all it’s worth. After moving some boulders today, I noticed that the grapple frame just below the hydraulics was soaked in oil. It was getting too dark to do anything, but even the lower hydraulic hose was pretty wet. Is it possible I...
  5. racerboy

    Loader arms misaligned

    I think I messed up my loader arms. They are no longer aligned (one seems a little lower) and they are not even with the SSQA slots in my attachments. When I go to remove the bucket and put on pallet forks or grapple, I can only line up one slot have to get off tractor and manually lift the...
  6. racerboy

    Best way to spread top soil

    I had to have install a propane line in my backyard for new a new stove and garage heater. I used my B2601 to dig the trench (~80 ft). Everything went fine, except that my entire back yard is completely destroyed and is a big mud pit (I also had to have a new well installed last fall and that’s...
  7. racerboy

    B2601 Headlight bulb change

    Neither of the headlights on my B2601 are working. At first I thought it might be a fuse because the tractor is only a year old, but the manual says the gauge panel and headlights are on same fuse, and I do have lights on panel. I popped the hood and figured the bulb socket would just twist...
  8. racerboy

    80 foot trench for propane line

    I am adding a adding 100gal propane tank for a new kitchen range (and eventual heater for the shop). The tank is going to be set behind a shed and I need to dig an 80 foot trench for the propane line. Municipal code requires the trench to be 24” deep, and there needs to be 6” of sand for the...
  9. racerboy

    PFL1242 Land Pride pallet forks

    After doing a bit of research, I’ve landed on wanting to pick up a set of these pallet forks to use with my B2601. My local dealer has them in stock and the are just a tick under $1k. Is that the going price? I have no frame of reference so figured I’d ask here.
  10. racerboy

    Newbie tractor owner maintenance question

    My B2601 has about 60 hrs on it now and I believe that it is due for some maintenance. I was going to purchase the WSM from Coleman’s and have a go at doing the maintenance myself (figure I could always ask for help here if I get stuck). I have a very specific question that’s may not be...
  11. racerboy

    B2601 Piranha Bar mounting

    My Piranah bar arrived last week and the directions are pretty straightforward except my bucket has a bolt-on flat edge. Do I remove that when mounting the tooth bar, or mount over it? On the photos on the BXattachment site, it looks like there is no bolt-on flat edge, but it also looks like...
  12. racerboy

    First tractor

    Hello everyone This is y first post. I am in the process of scoping out my first tractor purchase and have sort of boiled it down to the classic BX vs B series tractor. We have two properties. The house we live in ia about 2 acres, evenly split between a large sloped lawn and a ring go trees...