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  1. R

    B8200 Steering Ball Nut Assembly

    Did you use the adjusting screw on the end of the sector shaft to take as much play out as possible?
  2. R

    B8200HST-D steering box, replacement, compatability with other models?

    ktaylor, You can bet that all of us "dozens of other folks" are are anxiously awaiting you results! Sorry you are being the ginny pig. If it works and my rebuilding the ball nut with new balls and tubes does not, I'll be doing the same thing. Thanks. rayman
  3. R

    B8200 Steering Ball Nut Assembly

    Hey Robert, I found another ball stuck on the bottom end of the steering shaft. That makes 59! I don't have to order any because none of the originals were broken. It is strange that with two places where the balls circulate through two identical tubes that there are an odd number of balls. You...
  4. R

    B8200 Steering Ball Nut Assembly

    Ya, I kinda went overboard with the balls! But at least you knew exactly what I was talking about. Ha, ha. rayman
  5. R

    B8200 Steering Ball Nut Assembly

    Does know how many balls are in this assembly? I haven't found any supplier that can give me this answer. I got a new set of balls and tubes from Weaver that do fit my ball nut, but I'm not sure if the set has the right number of balls. It came with 54 balls, but I had 58 balls in the bottom of...