Search results

  1. The Evil Twin

    Driveway/ road millings and taxes?

    The couple homes that live off our easement are thinking about doing the whole road in millings. The gravel is expensive, dusty and a pain. I have had such food results with my RV loop that we are thinking about doing it all. One guy asked the tax question. He said his inlaws did it and then...
  2. The Evil Twin

    What kind of bird?

    Walking whe property with the mutt yesterday, I spied this hole in a tree. My first thought was woodpecker. Then I noticed the shredded wood down below. They are like straps and not chips. I'm no bird guy, although my mom has called me a bird brain.
  3. The Evil Twin

    Interesting diesel additive comparison

    Ran across this on another forum. Found the method, data and results interesting.
  4. The Evil Twin

    SSQA dimensions BX vs. L

    Stupid question, but I couldn't find an answer. I have a friend with a BX and pallet forks. I need to move a tool box. Is the SSQA the same width on both loaders? I have the 526 loader. Not sure what he has.
  5. The Evil Twin

    conventional oil is dead?

    I'm not that old. Well, from my own perspective. I do recall being able to go damn near anywhere to buy a quart of 10w40 for a buck or two Anyway....just rebuilt a 1000cc generator motor. New pistons, rings, valve stem seals and various other bits. The issue is not the rebuild. The issue is...
  6. The Evil Twin

    LandGlide app

    I know there are other apps. My question is specifically for those that use, or have tried this one. How far off have you found the property lines to be? Old house- the fence is 1 foot inside the surveyed property line. This app shows it several feet over the line. Current home- shows an...
  7. The Evil Twin

    Guess times are good!

    It's been tough to get people to respond to fill dirt and RAP ads. Looking to get 50+ tons of dirt and another 35 tons of RAP delivered. 9+ messages on the Zuckertube marketplace. Not one reply. Is the economy really doing that well? It's hard to give people money around here! What about your...
  8. The Evil Twin

    How sketchy is it?

    A guy gotta do what a guy gotta do! Free millings about 15 miles away. Can't take 2 trailers!
  9. The Evil Twin

    Boat owners- garage question

    Seeing as my racing days are numbered; thinking about getting back into the boat world. We plan on having a out building built for other reasons. Figure why not plan for the next toy. Pricing out things. I'm wondering how tall we will need the doors if we purchase a boat. I can't find a whole...
  10. The Evil Twin

    Good source for 2,4-DB herbicide?

    I'm unable to find any locally. Amazon has it but i dont trust it without real live reviews. If you have purchased it, where did you? After the heat and drought, a lot of broadleaf weeds have popped up in my clover/ grass yard. My understanding is that this product is safe for use on legume...
  11. The Evil Twin

    What kind of snake?

    Found this little thing in some fill dirt I was grading. Can't figure out what it is. Any solid ideas?
  12. The Evil Twin

    2016 Ford DEF question (problem)

    Hey oil burners! Weird situation happening with my truck. The DEF indicator will read OK at times. Then, randomly I will get 500 miles to go. Sometimes that will keep counting down for a few key cycles and magically return to OK while I'm driving down the road. At no time do I ever see *under...
  13. The Evil Twin

    Brushtox - how long till ya mow it down?

    I applied Brushtox (triclophor) on some thickets and pricker vines. Some of the leaves have turned brown and black and fallen off. Others are all wilted good bit, but still green. Considering these things are Satan's own invention, I know if the roots are still good they'll come bback. The...
  14. The Evil Twin

    Am i missing something?

    Pretty excited that my Homestead Implements rake showed up today. It was about 4 days ahead of their estimated ship date. I unwrapped it and hooked it up. The rake is shipped spun around backward to make it more compact for shipping. When I spun it around for use while going forward, there are...
  15. The Evil Twin

    Do i just need spacers?

    Bought a used QH15. I knew I would need additional pins to connect the QH to my BB and rake. What I didn't know was about the bushings. Do I simply need the spacer #20 in the appropriate length to go over the pins that will go through the lower attachment points of the BB and rake?
  16. The Evil Twin

    How NOT to do a hydraulic oil change...

    We find the random tire or TV along the back side of our property. This takes the cake! Roughly 20 gallons of hydro oil. About 50' from a creek. Fortunately, none of them were leaking. They were all on their side and I righted them to check. I hope those ^#$holes fall on rebar.
  17. The Evil Twin

    T&T/ Rear Remote Question

    I've searched here and other places but I'm not really understanding what all I need. I'm contemplating adding hydraulics on the 3 pt for t&t. It's a luxury, as I haven't needed it. I just make the adjustments manually. No biggie. What I seem to gather, is I'll need a 2 spool rear kit as well as...
  18. The Evil Twin

    Home Generator Oil Heaters

    Hey Orange People, got a question on this accessory. Well, more like I want opinions. :LOL: We have a 24k Generac air cooled/ LP fuel generator. We live in the Mid Atlantic, so it isn't often hatefully cold. There are times where is does drop into the single digits. A week or two ago, it was 5°f...
  19. The Evil Twin

    Ultimate question: Christmas movies

    So what do y'all think? Is it? Why or why not? (If you get it, you get it!)
  20. The Evil Twin

    Float when using Edge Tamers?

    Thinking about getting some Edge Tamers for the "bad winter" we are supposed to be getting (60°f today 🙄 ) this year. From what I've seen, they can also be useful for other tasks on finished lawns. Anyway, my question really is when you use a bucket with Edge Tamers for snow in a gravel drive...