Search results

  1. K

    Does the L275 have rear axle fill plugs?

    Or is the main oil-fill port on the transmission the only one? I'm assuming the new fluid makes its way back and down into the rear axle housings from only filling from the main fill port. I didn't see any other fill ports on the rear axle housings, nor did I see any mention in the owners...
  2. K

    Need generic part number for hydraulic filter L275.

    Kubota L275. Can someone please tell me a hydraulic/trans oil filter part number to this model?? Something other than OEM Kubota would be great, so I can hit the parts house in the morning to get my tractor serviced. I have the OEM Kubota number 15301-32110 (according to a Kubota...
  3. K

    Need advice on oil capacity and type..

    I bought a L275 a while back, and I have been trying to find some basic info regarding the recommended trans/hydraulic fluid type needed; and also, the appox capacity so I know how much to buy. It would also be nice to know how much motor oil this 3 cylinder DH1101(?) holds. I found a...