Search results

  1. W

    Forklift Counterweight

    Short answer: no. The forklift’s frame and steer axle is designed for a particular weight. If you installed a different counterweight (even if it fit) you would a) be operating a forklift not in the design parameters of the ANSI B56 standard b) have a huge risk of damaging something on the...
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    Fork extensions

    Yeah but the extension length cannot exceed 1 ½ times of the length of the original fork. You should inspect forklift fork extensions for wear and make sure they’re not damaged or cracked, etc. I’d be more concerned of overloading the forks, you are moving the load center quite far away from...
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    Forklift Tires

    Typically the rule of thumb is to replace the tire once it has worn down to the manufacturer’s logo on the sidewall of the tire. More info on forklift injuries from tires and other things I found this
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    Forklift Forks

    When is the right time to replace forklift forks?
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    Forklift battery charger

    How to choose the right forklift battery charger?
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    Newbie looking for help with forklift

    Hey everyone, I’m looking for help with a Clark (don't know what letter) 20 yardlift. I’m not sure where a Clark dealer is to get parts. Any suggestions?