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  1. L

    L4200HST Oil filter bursts

    Good news! I reduced the shims of the charge pressure relief valve from 10 to 5 - and the shims of the filter protection relief valve from 2 to zero. Works like a charm. And surprisingly I think I reduced the diesel consumption somehow close to half! Can't really imagine that by myself. o_O
  2. L

    L4200HST Oil filter bursts

    I've found a book called "WSM Tractor mechanism" in german. Its not specific to my tractor, its for all Kubota tractors with all kinds of hydraulics, brakes, steerings, transmissions and so on. I've found an HST transmission in this book, which is absolutely similar to mine. With those drawings...
  3. L

    L4200HST Oil filter bursts

    Oh! One thing I forgot to say: The top speed I can reach is 17km/h instead of 25km/h. I think it could be related to the same issue.
  4. L

    L4200HST Oil filter bursts

    Alright. To check the relief valves I think I'll have to drain the complete hydraulic oil, right?
  5. L

    L4200HST Oil filter bursts

    Only Kubota or Mann Filters. 2 original Kubota Filters bursted.
  6. L

    L4200HST Oil filter bursts

    Just to make sure that I didn't misunderstood: A plugged cooling cycle could be the reason for this problem?
  7. L

    L4200HST Oil filter bursts

    Hello! My L4200HST is killing HST oil filters. I use new oil and new filters. Could I be the HST relief valve? Where is it located? Do I have do drain the complete Oil before checking the valve? Could it be anything else? Please help. I have the L4240HST service manual, but there are so many...
  8. L

    New L4200 owner

    Thanks a lot! VPN works fine and Messicks is a great idea too: I really like the Messicks Youtube channel, but i didnt know their awesome website. Do you know any possibility to download the WSM or Parts Catalog as pdf? A pdf seller would be welcome too. I hardly find any information about the...
  9. L

    New L4200 owner

    Hello, I'm a new owner of an L4200 HST, with cabin and air condition and combined with a french Mailleux ev 230 frontloader. It ran only 1300 hours an I'm really glad that I picked it up for a quite good price in an awesome condition. It was sold with an Italian Maschio Barbi 180cm hydraulic...