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  1. M

    Need Help 2019 L3901 fuse issue.

    But would it do it in reverse as well ?
  2. M

    Need Help 2019 L3901 fuse issue.

    Kubota HST L 3901 2019 ~830 hours Yesterday i was moving dirt and it just shut off and through a E-20 error. I checked the Fuse and the “Main ECU (Ignition key)” fuse was popped. I replaced the fuse and moved the HST peddle to move Fwd. and the fuse popped again. Replaced fuse again And I was...
  3. M

    BH77 control arm options

    I really like it. It’s a lot stronger then I thought it would be. We moved a 20 foot 12 inch sweet gum log (~ 800lbs) the other day with a 450lbs Grapple on the loader. We moved it through a deep muddy spot and up some small hills to a herb garden we are constructing. I was pleased with that...
  4. M

    Bh77 Seat bracket mod to give more leg room +

    Here are two videos where I show the seat Mod I did to give more leg room. Plus I now have a vertical angle adjustment using the PTO. Part 1 Part 2
  5. M

    BH77 control arm options

    Hey everyone I am new here. I just purchased a L3901 loader and backhoe BH77, The backhoe control arms were to short. So here is a little video showing the longer control arms installed and differences. let me know what you think.