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  1. O

    Travel speed

    Yes I'm in a hurry to cross my 2 acre yard to dump loads of stuff! Just a bit bumed that I cant travel faster. Especially when I should be going more than twice as fast!!!! I just hard from the dealer my hydrolic is fine. There could be an issue with internal stuff. Can't rember off the...
  2. O

    Travel speed

    Picked up a b2400 with 650 hours. Brought it in for servicing at a local Kubota dealer with an additional question. I only get around 4.25 mph forward and a bit more in reverse? The book says I should be getting almost 9mph. Any how. About $1500 bucks to tair into the rear end would be a...
  3. O

    traveling speeds

    First time poster. Just picked up a used b2400 hst kubota. it is a 1997 with under 700 hours. I drove it down the road to have the wheels ballested and noticed that the forward traveling is about 4.25 MPH in high range. Its supposed to be closer to 8.9. at least that is what the book says...