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  1. T

    Why are my hydraulics weak?

    Hydraulic oil was dark and ugly. The L2550 has been having problems for a long time, 1year. The M 9000 just started the box blade drop. It's a big box blade. It did better after the Hyd oil change. I'll try the pressure gauge.
  2. T

    Why are my hydraulics weak?

    No, thanks for asking. The small tractor will not pick up a bucket of dirt. The grapple will close, after I use it awhile, it will not open back up. (L2550) The big tractor will raise the box blade, but within 50 yds its dragging. M9000 I changed the filters and hydraulic fluid on both these.
  3. T

    Why are my hydraulics weak?

    Your right. M9000 and L2550 GST
  4. T

    Why are my hydraulics weak?

    Why are my hydraulics weak?